Aiptasia Control: Berghia Nudibranches

kj_yoda wrote: Has anyone tried vinegar? I am sure that will work just like lemon juice, but be careful.

I used some stuff... blue vision or something. Very cool stuff. worked great

The vinegar was called Blue Vision?
Maroons15 wrote: I used a syringe with a needle on it. I got it from a veternarian.

Yeah, good idea. I kept meaning to ask my wife's mother for a syringe (she has diabetes) but she lives in Alabama and I forgot last time I was there. Jackson (my lab) will have to get neutered soon, though!
Spend $4 on Joe's Juice...Kills it all in like 1 second...Alway keep a bottle and it comes with syringe...
MAybe this is wrong, and maybe I just have not had to deal with the little pest aiptasia in so long that new things have come out that are better but I used to always just use hot water in a turkey baster. Give them a squirt that that is that last of them. Granted, I do not suggest this method when it is growing right next to your prized coral that you were waiting three years for a frag of, but on plain rock I never had a problem.
I sprayed it and it was about 2 inches away from my Zoanthids and my Zoanthids didn't like it but they opend back up in a couple minutes.
Quick update! Berghias have eaten the aiptashia right around where I put them on the LR, but haven't moved to any other location in the tank. The site said it could take a month or so for the colony to reproduce and start controlling aiptashia growth. When I was cleaning the tank the other day one was moving along the back glass to the other side of the tank but I couldn't find where it went later on when I checked. I'll take a picture tonight of the area where I placed the 3 to show their work so far.
flyingarmy wrote: Quick update! Berghias have eaten the aiptashia right around where I put them on the LR, but haven't moved to any other location in the tank. The site said it could take a month or so for the colony to reproduce and start controlling aiptashia growth. When I was cleaning the tank the other day one was moving along the back glass to the other side of the tank but I couldn't find where it went later on when I checked. I'll take a picture tonight of the area where I placed the 3 to show their work so far.

How many aiptasia do you think they've eaten so far?
wbholwell wrote: How many aiptasia do you think they've eaten so far?

There is at least 5 1/2 aiptashia that are gone completely. They might just be full for now....:yes:
flyingarmy wrote: There is at least 5 1/2 aiptashia that are gone completely. They might just be full for now....:yes:

Are these full-grown aiptasia your talking about (about 1/2" in diameter)? And you've had two nudibranches for about 2 weeks, right?
I use to have some of these. The only prob that I had with them is that they only eat aiptasias. Thus you always had to have some growning in your tank to keep them alive. Now I just use joes juice or hot water.

Best of luck!
wbholwell wrote: Are these full-grown aiptasia your talking about (about 1/2" in diameter)? And you've had two nudibranches for about 2 weeks, right?

I don't have a current picture, but these are the aiptasia that have been eaten. They were 1/2 inch in size(height).

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I took a picture at lunch...first is a picture from 4 Jan and the second is from 17 Jan! Nice difference but hopefully they are reproducing and making more berghia!
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Update: Last night I was checking out the 20GAL Reef and look what I saw! This one has almost doubled in size since 4 Jan 07, no sign of the other 2 Berghia. The aiptasia are disappearing slowly. Once they eat the majority of the aiptasia I will be looking to sell the ones I can find to another reefer who needs some aiptasia help. Keep an eye out for a post sometime!
