Aiptasia Covered LR: Solutions?


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I have been fighting Aiptaisia in my 55 GAL FOWLR and they are out of control. I have been using Joe's Juice and some home made kalk paste and I am losing the battle. What is the best way to kill off the aiptasia without killing off the rest of the living organizms on the LR?

Freashwater dip?
No light for a few days?
Small thermonuclear device?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
I'm in the same boat, but all I have in the tank is a good size BTA, so I figure the BTA will kill those buggers if they ever meet.

I've used kalk paste, but they always come back... :confused2:

Butterfly fish and pepperment shrimp are hit or miss w/ dealing w/ these critters, there are apistasia eating nudi's that will eat them almost to extinction and then starve to death when there aren't enough left to eat...

You could try removing the pieces of LR that you can see the aptasia on and cooking them, but that doesn't guarantee that you'll be able to get all the rocks that they are living on...
I battled aiptasia and won! My solution was peppermint shrimp I feel like I got lucky and the three I picked up where aiptasia hungry sometimes it is hit or miss with them. They have eatin every bit that i could see within hours of being in my tank. Before that I was using Joe's Juice which works but I think that is short term and a big pain in the butt. I also have removed the rocks and scrubbed them but that doesnt seem to do much. The three peppermints I have in my tank now keep everything in check best $18 i spent for aiptasia.
The Peppermints would make a nice meal for my Porcupine Puffer so they are definitely out of the question. I guess my only choice will be to remove each rock and torch each aiptasia spot. Anyone tried that before?
lemon juice in a insulin needle injected straight into them. instant death. I would remove the rock to be treated though just for the injection and a few minutes more. I have also heard injecting scolding water works but i have not tried it
FutureInterest;41681 wrote: Notice he has a fowlr... pepps aren't an option here probably. :(
yeah totaly didnt notice that...well good luck
If you give the Aiptaisia covered live rock in your Flower tank to me then everything would be solved.
flyingarmy;41666 wrote: I have been fighting Aiptaisia in my 55 GAL FOWLR and they are out of control. I have been using Joe's Juice and some home made kalk paste and I am losing the battle. What is the best way to kill off the aiptasia without killing off the rest of the living organizms on the LR?

Freashwater dip?
No light for a few days?
Small thermonuclear device?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!

Aptasia is a sign of poor water quality, if im not mistaken. Test your water and let us know what you got. Also, If you have been fighting these things a while how many do you have? You could spend a day just using joes juice, I would remove all the fish and then do a water change after you get done.
im pretty sure aptasia will still survive in high quality water, they may not reproduce as readily, but they will survive.
Nudibranches will certainly do the trick. Red legged hermit crabs might do it and certain shrimps (true Peppermint Shrimp - Lysmata wurdemanni). Beyond that, I would take the rocks out of the water and soak it in kalkwasser.
Cameron;43090 wrote: Nudibranches will certainly do the trick. Red legged hermit crabs might do it and certain shrimps (true Peppermint Shrimp - Lysmata wurdemanni). Beyond that, I would take the rocks out of the water and soak it in kalkwasser.
he cant put shrimp in they would be a meal for his fish
but what if he doesnt have a qt tank ...ot hey cam i am ready for those frags you told me you would give me ....=) nothing thst requires alot of light though lol
I think the answer for me is to pull each rock and soak it in kalkwasser! Not for sure how it will effect the rest of the organizms on the LR but it's about my only choice right now! Thanks for all the input!
flyingarmy;43144 wrote: I think the answer for me is to pull each rock and soak it in kalkwasser! Not for sure how it will effect the rest of the organizms on the LR but it's about my only choice right now! Thanks for all the input!
That is the nuke effect. It will do in pretty much everything on the rock including coraline.
flyingarmy;43144 wrote: I think the answer for me is to pull each rock and soak it in kalkwasser! Not for sure how it will effect the rest of the organizms on the LR but it's about my only choice right now! Thanks for all the input!
First, you need to stop riding Hondas most importantly a CBR... ouch on a couple of those! Second, we need to go riding some time. I love that Vehicross as well.

Iron Butt... very impressive.
Always go RED!!! Never will buy any other, well maybe a BMW someday. What do you ride Cameron? The Vehicross was a blast but sold it 2 years ago. Great vehicle and I wish they would have kept making them. I might just pull each rock and instead of total nuking, do some strategic precision munitions. Hate to kill off some of the feather dusters, and other organizms growing nicely on the rocks.