Aiptasia Covered LR: Solutions?

flyingarmy;43151 wrote: Always go RED!!! Never will buy any other, well maybe a BMW someday. What do you ride Cameron? The Vehicross was a blast but sold it 2 years ago. Great vehicle and I wish they would have kept making them. I might just pull each rock and instead of total nuking, do some strategic precision munitions. Hate to kill off some of the feather dusters, and other organizms growing nicely on the rocks.
I am a Honda fan actually... I just think after three nasty offs it is time to hang up the Blackbird. I personally drive a monster of indescribable shape. It is a Katana frame with a GSXR engine with racing pistons since it was bored over a bit. I used to have a custom exhaust, but I scraped a nice big hole near the end of it so now I run a stock GSXR exhaust.

I loved the Vehicross as a concept and would have bought one if I could have seen out the rear end of it. I loved the ability to drive in an extremely tight circle and recaro seats were just genius.

To my knowledge, the kalkwasser dip is one of the few sure fire ways of killing this stuff off and not effecting the rock work once it is placed back in the tank. I personally would try a nudibranch first since it only eats this stuff.
pepermint shrimp also work on majono anemonies? I have the same problem i bout some lr from store not noticing about 5 little majonoes...but will pepermints work for mine?
Peppermints will not work for majonos... Nothing I'm aware of eats majonos. You have to dilligently remove them from your rocks by hand or inject them with da juice.
I am a fan of Lemon Juice in a Medical Syringe. They die instantly and do not come back. Good luck! Also I do not believe it has to do with water quality at all.
Thaks i was advised before spending any money to try concentrated lemon juice first?
jeep9783;43169 wrote: pepermint shrimp also work on majono anemonies? I have the same problem i bout some lr from store not noticing about 5 little majonoes...but will pepermints work for mine?
Majano is usually much easier to contain. You can simply pluck them from the rock. If they are in pest like numbers, skip feeding for a couple days then turn off your lights for a couple/three days. Start plucking them as they move out of their holes.

Otherwise say hello to some very reef unsafe fish or do the same kalkwasser trick.
So u think i should try that or try the lemon juice first? They are in some very tight spots on the LR
You can spot kill it with lemon juice or a kalkwasser paste (possibly safer), but Majano has a thicker skin and should pull right off. If you do the food/light trick, they will virtually all come out of hiding.
hey i dunno if anyone said this already, but i cleared out a 75 gallon tank where every squar inch was covered. glass rocks overflow powerheads sand everything.....

find some of that stop aptaisia from chemmarin. it's a gel kinda so its easier to work with.
turn off the flow. all of it.
cover all the surfaces of the tank with s.a.
wait 30 minutes.
siphon out anything left and make sure you get them off at the foot.
turn all yer pumps back on and run a ton of carbon

i'd say it took abt 2.5 hrs to do that 75 and i would almost guarantee 98% of the aptaisia were gone.

wash rinse repeat.

lemon juice works on aptasia but not on majonoes, i found out after 3 attempts, finally put all infected rocks into huge pan and boiled, no more problems now
Question on the Peppermint Shrimp: What happens if the Aiptasia is bigger than the Peppermint Shrimp? Will they still eat it? Thanks!
yes they will, i had that problem with alomost all live rock, pepermint shrimp ate all aptasia but wouldn't touch the majone,
yes they will, i had that problem with alomost all live rock, pepermint shrimp ate all aptasia but wouldn't touch the majone, and most of the aptasia was larger than the shrimp
I believe camel shrimp will eat most cnidarians... including majano and aiptasia. They're definatley not reef safe, but if you can move your corals out to a friend or something they should eat em all. They're one of the few things I've stumbled across that can control the majano biologically.