Aiptasia Eating Berghia Nudibranch experiment

ralph atl

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I have been battling Aiptasia for the past 2 years using peppermint shrimp, joes juice, hot water, & whatever. Although, I keep them "under control", they continue to pop up! It's kinda like a lawn without a pre-emergent, and instead, relying totally on Roundup.

I go through 2 to 3 bottles of Joe's a month. PITA!

Why? I feed the freakin things! Even though I have less than 0.028 in phates (not detectable in average kit) & around 0.5 in trates (not detectable in average kit), I feed a lot of small particles for my corals & a lot for my pipefish. Although, my pipes might not hardly eat any of it, I try anyway, but it also keeps my pod population high.

OK, so every month or so I pick up some peppermints wondering, "where the hell are the shells?".........nuthin' just disappear. Well, last week I picked up 3 more, and BAM!, my 4 inch Mutant Royal Gramma had one in his mouth! Whole! gone in 60 seconds!

So here we are today, awaiting my shipment tomorrow am of my nudis. It is especially important to me to not have them due to my pipefish as they sting, but I bet there are a few reefers out there with large tanks that cannot even begin to figure out how to get that under control. I'm not sure what fish might eat them though, I do know that if my Mutant Gramma eats one of those, my loaded 9mm is coming out blazing!

I'll keep ya posted!
How many are you starting with? How do you plan to diminish population as the Aptasia dissapear?
I got a deal at inland for six 1/2 inch or better with eggs for 90 bucks. There really isn't an exit strategy that exists unless I can figure out a way to recapture them, and sell them."></a>

There are several natural predators to berghias, I was just going to recomend that you consider putting a radiant wrasse in the system once 75% of your aptasia is gone and then add 10 peppermint shrimp when 95% are gone. You want try to aviod a massive die off when the aptasia is gone.
Fish Scales2;206127 wrote:"></a>

There are several natural predators to berghias, I was just going to recomend that you consider putting a radiant wrasse in the system once 75% of your aptasia is gone and then add 10 peppermint shrimp when 95% are gone. You want try to aviod a massive die off when the aptasia is gone.[/QUOTE]

good read! Thanks!
Fish Scales2;206127 wrote:"></a>

There are several natural predators to berghias, I was just going to recomend that you consider putting a radiant wrasse in the system once 75% of your aptasia is gone and then add 10 peppermint shrimp when 95% are gone. You want try to aviod a massive die off when the aptasia is gone.[/QUOTE]
Sweet link! I have been on there since you posted it.. Very informative site..
oh, no wrasse for me! I need my pipes, and I need my pods!
acclimated & in! The only creatures interested so far are my pipes.:thumbs:
I'm sure I speak for many -- we're very interested (at least I am) in how your experiment turns out.

I also have a few Aiptasia that pop up now and then. I've kept them under control with Aiptasia-X from Red Sea -- so far so good.

Thanks for the pics --

dawgdude;206225 wrote: Wow! Very cool looking! How many did you get?

I bought 6. I'm just praying that my remaining peppermint shrimp don't get a chance to feed on em before my mutant gramma eats them!. Other than that, this should be good to go.
not a big deal, but my second post states that I got 6 from Inland Aquatics. They came in great, larger than expected, & healthy. They are a bit pricey though.
let me know where you got them this is a very interesting experiment that could have great results!!! Very interested!!
There are a few places that carry them, but I purchased them from Inland Aquatics in Terre Haute. You have to call them in order to place your order at (812) 232-9000.
minor update.
I was told that I really wouldn't see any of them until about a month after intro to tank, and then only at sunrise. Well this morning I spotted one on the underneith side of a rock, just hangin out. No change in aispasia though, but again, none expected for at least 30 days. At least they are alive and not eaten by my remaining pepperments!
OK, during the very bright afternoon, I saw 2 of these guys just moving around. Not sure what's up, since they are nocturnal?
I tried the Berghia Nudi a few years ago. They munched on one aiptasia and never saw them again. I have had more luck with a Copperband BF than any other aiptasia control. I can actually saw that I am now aiptasia least in my display. Hope you had better luck than I did...a costly experiment.