Aiptasia Eating Berghia Nudibranch experiment

I was about to buy some from an outfit in Canada, ordered 4 (with 2 free) and paid with paypal, then I got the shipping estimate of $70.00 Can. the 4 Nudibranchs were $48.00 Can. I decided that was a bit too much, and cancelled before the shipment went out. I'll be anxious to see how they perform from this post. BTW, company was http:
a> - nice guy! Didn't get too worked up when I cancelled, but I don't have my paypal credit yet either. Don't expect any issues.
I got 6 for 138 including shipping. I've seen them occasionally at night, but I've also seen a pepperment shrimp in the area, too. If this doesn't work, I might try it again without any peppermints. No updates other than the occasional sighting, but none expected yet.
Final Update: FAILED

I cannot be 100% positive that they were not eaten by my peppermint shrimp, but this was a costly FAILED experiment.
Ralph... I got some new stuff for you to try... send me a PM and get your butt down my way.
They do consume aiptasia, but for obvious outbreaks, you woudl need a serious army of them which is $$$. A handful will not be able to comsume any significant amount.