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so i had this one guy on a frag that I bought from a local fish store and I had let him grow a bit, now that my BB tank is set up that coral is now in front and its time to kill aiptasia. So I was adding some chemicles to the tank and I figured I'ld blast some alk at him via a salifert syringe which had Randys 2pt Alk part 1 in it. Doesnt look too happy now, kinda looks like he puked out his guts and turned all death purple looking; I kinda feel bad now.....oh well. So I guess I'll see if he comes back or not. Has anyone else tried this before?
yeah I know about joes juice, I just dont have any and I thought it might work but didnt.....oh well. Ive had peppermint shrimp before, yes some did eat them, but I was more bothered by the aggressive eating style they have against some corals, so I took them out. Joes juice, here I come.
If you don't want to buy joes juice for one aptasia you can boil some water and blast it with a syringe. Worked on mine.
chull13 wrote: If you don't want to buy joes juice for one aptasia you can boil some water and blast it with a syringe. Worked on mine.

Ive heard the same
tank is at work,no stove........guess its time to walk over the mircowave :)
I have used Joe's Juice, Vinegar and Kalk. My biggest mistake was waiting too long to tackle it. When I can get a good hit on one (generally, this means in the gullet if large, and a good pasting-over if small), Joes Juice and Kalk work great. Vinegar works if you can inject it. Heating the Kalk or Vinegar in the microwave seems more effective as well. With the amount I had, I would switch between vinegar and kalk just to keep the PH from going to one extreme or the other.

I will say this about Joes Juice: the injector is great, and you can use it with the vinegar or kalk later. The plastic "needle" seems to help a lot. For me, much better than just the syringe. It *can* clog, but just back it off a bit to clear. If it clogs, don't push the plunger too hard or the tip will fall off, forever lost in your live rock.

Another trick if clogging is a problem (when I switched to kalk, this got worse) is to clip off a small amount of the "tip" of the plastic "needle". This widens the hole slightly.

Whatever you do, go after it as soon as possible. An infestation is a real pain... you kill one and 4 more appear out of nowhere!

Good luck!

Wow, what a blast from the past. Nice one to bring up, I'm sure it could.
Yup, kalk and water seem to be the best approach, though for those who dont want to deal with that and just want to buy an off the shelf product...joes juice is pretty decent. Also, the best injection needle is an actual metal hypodermic needle, if you have access to one. Inject through the mouth, or at the side near the foot. Just make sure the solution gets into the little bugger.
you tube peppermint shrimp eating aiptasia by reef scavengers. they seem to love the stuff. cheeseburgers!!!!!
RaisedOnNintendo;512936 wrote: you tube peppermint shrimp eating aiptasia by reef scavengers. they seem to love the stuff. cheeseburgers!!!!!

They can be hit or miss....and you need to make sure they are peppermints and not camelbacks?? I believe that's what they are called. My last round of peppermints I got from Tim at Keen Reef and they were excellent at getting rid of the few aiptasia I had in my tank.
Never had by of them but then again I've always had peppermints. U know what I don't get y everyone hates bristle worms think I'll go start a thread on that be right back
My cups mt on this. What's a cammel back shrimp just another kind of peppermint or looks differnt all togther?