Alex's 110G Mixed Reef


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So this is my 110G mixed reef, I haven't posted much on here about it yet so I figured now would be a good time to start :yes:. We will begin at 6 months as January 1st 2014 was its birthday.

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Short Run Down:
Started with a USED 110G dual overflow, plumbed to a 20G sump powered by a drop in mag 9.5. Stand came with the tank and so did the canopy. I purchased the dry sand / dry rock from a place out of FL, I will leave some links at the end as to where I have gotten some of my stuff. $214 later I have 120lbs of sand and 100lbs of CLEAN rock ready to start cycling. I gave it a little over a month before I moved over my Female clown, some hermits, snails, and a large serpent star that I am not even sure of still exists. At this point I was moving ALL of my remaining livestock (including corals) to this tank. The corals that survived 30+ ppm nitrates were the toadstools up front, the kenya, and most all of my hammers. So around the two month mark I stepped up the CUC significantly, and added the second clown to pair with my female maroon. About a week or two later I went ahead and added the two pink anthias and a yellow tang. In early May I added 6 chromis, about two weeks later I am left with 4 out of the 6 I had added, apparently the anthias kind of scared two of them to death; even though they were never really physical... I also added a fire goby at the same time I added the chromis, he quickly settled in and made a home underneath my hammers. I have also added various CUC through the past 6 months as needed. My last tank was a 75G mixed reef that ultimately crashed around the two year mark due to a few factors compounding on one another. I had a large snowflake eel (heavy polluter), rock that came from an unknown source (NOT EVEN CLEANED), and poor water movement/mechanical filtration. I lost maybe 200$ worth of frags and it sucked, it was at this point I decided to start fresh taking with me what I had learned and make a REAL tank. So here it is, the culmination of all of my mistakes and hopefully pointed in the right path this time :up:.

<u>Current Fish:</u>
(2) Maroon clownfish
Yellow tang
Fire goby
(2) Pink anthias
(4) Blue/green chromis
Mandarin goby

<u>Current CUC:</u>
(2) Sand sifting stars
(1) Cleaner shrimp
(2) Peppermint shrimp
(1) Fire shrimp
(~25) Hermits
(~20) Astrea snails
(15) Nassarius snails
(~2000+ Pods)

<u>Current Corals:</u>
(2) Toadstool Leathers (8" open)
(1) Kenya tree w/ baby
(~12 Hammers)
(1) RBTA
(3) Duncans
(~8 different Zoas)
Red monti
Idaho purple

<u>Current Equipment:</u> + roughly what I paid
250$ 110G Drilled Tank, Stand, Sump USED
100$ Mag 9 Main Pump NEW (will include as I use an old but purchased new for backup)
225$ Bulk Reef Supply RODI System + Two 32G Brute Trashcans (RODI/Saltwater Mix Storage)
100$ Reef-Octopus 110NWB Skimmer USED
214$ Dry sand + Dry Rock
50$ PVC Plumbing for Sump>Tank, Tank>Sump, and Sump>Reactors Ect
50$ Two Eheim Heaters
25$ Aqua Lifter + Tubing + 5 Gallon bucket for top off water
250$ Apex JR. + ph probe
100$ Extra EB8 for more Apex outlets
150$ Current-USA 6 Bulb T5 Light Shroud USED
300$ Vortech MP40 USED
150$ Vortech MP10 USED
60$ Bulk Reef Supply dual chamber media reactor (GFO/Carbon) No longer using GFO so carbon/carbon
75$ Bulk Reef Supply Bio-Pellet reactor + media (MUST MOD BRS BIO REACTOR TO BE USEABLE)
60$ Mag 3 pump for the bio-pellets
10$ Filter Socks
150$ Hannah checker alk/calc + Red Sea Master Set
20$ Refractometer
25$ Seachem Matrix media

Recent Changes:
Biopellets added GFO removed 6/23/2014
Added mp10 (right side) 6/28/2014
Added TONS of pods (3000) and 10 nassarius 7/8/2014
Mandarin + 1 more sand sifting star added 7/18/2014

Links to where I got some stuff:"></a>
Now for the good stuff!!!!!!

(1080p shot with a Galaxy S3) 7/18/2014</em>"></a>

Pictures from 7/18/2014
Updated links to videos as they were broken somehow:"></a>

My new Melanurus wrasse (courtesy The Fish Store):

My new Mandarin goby (courtesy Pure Reef):
MarquiseO;970547 wrote: Nice tank!!

Thanks! Updates!

It seems at about 1 1/2 months the biopellets are really starting to do work. Most of my corals are looking happier and I have beaten the bulk of my early age algaes and the cyano associated with the pellets themselves. Still a few remaining small spots but they are dieing off. Continuing roughly 20-25% water changes every 2 weeks or so.

So up until this point ~6 months, I have had the Apex under the tank in the stand with all of the moisture from the sump so I decided while it still works it would probably be a good idea to move it outside of the stand where it will stay dry. I built a box onto the side of my stand to house my electronics.

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Update on my tank here:

Biopellets seem to be doing some work despite having to revise the reactor 2-3 times to get decent flow-thru. My cyano battle is OVER, now the later green cyano is slowly but surely clearing up. Nearly NO algae now, I purchased a diamonback goby and my sand is nice and clean! Looking like its almost time to try out some SPS again!!! Tri-color BTA split so I placed them in their own container until they shape up a little bit, my clowns are sort of too rough with them.

Picture is about 3 weeks old, will get some new pics later today." alt="" />

Diamond Goby
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