I have had this problem for a while now. Some of you have tried to help me before. My ammonia, Nitriate, Niatrate Never gown down and I have lost some fish, so I am down to 2 fish, but the levels still won't go down.
One thing that bothers me though is that you have Nitrites, how long has the tank been up? Did you properly cycle it?
First off get rid of the millenium 2000 and get the Bio balls out of your sump, I use live rock rubble but alot of people use carbon bags or even nothing at all. The sea-clone skimmer is a mistake most people make, I would get a better skimmer.
You did not say how often and how much your water changes are?
I have had the tank for almost 2 years now. I really dont have that much money since I am 15 so most of what I get is gifts and 10 gallons every 2 weeks. I ysually have to add 5-10 gallons every 2 eeks also because of evpaeration
if you still have ammonia readings do a 50% water change waite two days and repeate until your levels are fine keep up with water changes and good lcuk
Test kit- almost a year old
Lights- Year +
Live rock- 15 pounds roughly
Turn over Sump and skimmer-400 gallons raoghly (265 on skimmer/not sure on sump)
Tap water
Near window but has a backer on
Why do the lights being old have to do with algae growh and all I feed them is algae flakes anyeay so what is the differnece. Please list good books all the books I have seen aren't that good.
81 usually unless it is extrmely cold outside and the door going outside is open. It is by a door. It is at 81 because I have been told 79-81 degrees is what is needed for most fish.