All my fish are dead


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Except the eel. Looks like a power outage while I was gone. Eel got into overflow to escape ammonia I guess.

Confirmed losses: four inch regal, huge yellow tang, five inch blue jaw, pair of clowns, one MIA, gorgeous huge mandarin, dragon goby, cleaner shrimp, green wrasse. Gorgeous feather duster. Too depressed to inspect coral dieoff
Awe.. that is terrible. Really sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how badly you must feel.
On the list of things that suck. Sorry man.
How long was power out and how long were you gone?
Wow.... That sucks! bclark just went through the same thing with his 120 gal. He said he was not sure hat caused it but everything but the eel died. Have you tested your water parameters? Sorry to hear that....
I hate being out of town for long periods. Power outage is always a fear, even for those that have backup power.
Been gone since Tuesday. I'm thinking it must've happened last night. I think it was more temp related than anything. Everything was back on when I got home just now.
Wow Jess, this is really terrible! Reminds me how truly delicate our systems are...
We can get you back started up with some frags when the time is right...
sorry to hear. I always fear taking vacation thinking I'll come home to a dead system...
aww man :( if I hadn't just gone through something similar I would chip in to give some free frags also :)
anomaly;346853 wrote: This is one of my biggest concerns, especially since I've been traveling alot lately.

I was thinking about getting one of those backups that run marine batteries. You can run the batteries in parallel to last longer, and it'll charge the batteries if the power comes back on. I figure a powerhead and a heater should keep most things alive in the event of a power outage.

Can you provide a link, or maybe start another thread with more information? As I understand it...those setups can get $$$$!
Looks like mostly fish right now. Gonna lose some sps, and maybe my big bubble. Drag tank seems unaffected and blenny in there is ok. Clowns is read 2am right now. Some stuff in freezer started to thaw. Fish eyes aren't even cloudy yet.

I am so sorry to hear that. I went to my Mom's for a two day visit a couple weeks ago and was concerned the whole time.

When you get back up on the Reef Horse again, let me know and I'll fix you up with some frags.

One way to check how long the power was out is to look at any mechanical timers you have going, as they will pick up when the power is off and will be behind by that amount of time.