All my fish are dead

So sorry Jess. I am glad at least there were a couple of survivors but it is a small consulation.
So sorry.

We recently lost almost all our livestock, so I know the feeling. I still miss my swimmies and hate to even think about it. Sometimes I think I should do corals only. Fish deaths really devastate me.

I'm currently trying to entice the eel into some PVC to get him out. Used some alpha to bring down ammonia since I can't get him out. Ammonia looks like .25 and nitrites look like 1 or higher.

Looks like all sps in big tank is toast except montis and milled. Lost two colonies, one was pink pocci and the other some type of Acro. Green slimer and tri color frags are toasted too. Birdsnest and monticaps look good. Lps all look ok. I moved a bunch of my bigger ones to a very crowded frag tank just before I noticed all the red flatworms on the glass. Have never has them before, but do now! What's the deal with the exit?
What ever I can do to help. Based on your coral loss, I also can send you over some frags. I have a few sps I can throw your way.
Jess, were you able to look at any timers to figure out how long the power was out? Seems like if it was just last night, this is an awfully big loss. Whatever happened, I know it sucks. Keep your head up though, I know you take great care of your tank!
Guess I can start a new fish list. Eel is gonna stay out I think. I hate to do that since he's a survivor, but I can have shrimp with him gone. Anyone wanna spring for three hundred dollar fairy wrasses at creation? J/k of course. I do think I'll do some different fish this time. Except for clowns..... Gotta have some. Suggestions?
I only have one mechanical timer. I'll let rich look. I think it started with a temp swing and then ammonia knocked the rest out. Overflow didn't look as bad as tank and that's where the eel chose to be. Halides came on at right time, and that digital timer has the correct time. Couldn't have been off for 24 hours exactly, I wouldn't think. Unless it was only off this am and just came back on at noon. Fish hadn't been dead long.
I know I'm new to all this, but I just don't see how you could have THAT big of a temp swing. Wouldn't lack of any flow be more likely the cause?
Wow! I'm really sorry to here about your fishies! I lost a pair of nice angels in my last tank so a friend gave me one of these penn plax air pumps. It has saved me more than once since started using it. I have just hidden an air stone in the back of my tank so whenever tha power is killed the pump kicks on.
Jeff, great minds think alike - I just mentioned that very pump in the other thread. Bigger tanks may need several - but they work well for their purpose.

Really sorry to hear. Same thing happened to me while I was gone on vacation. Just got back today. Sucks
Sorry to hear that. It's the kind of thing that keeps me up when I'm away and hear about incoming thunderstorms... I've got all the pieces for a marine battery based backup system but haven't wired it up yet. I'm thinking tonight should be the night.

Let me know when you're ready and I've got some mushrooms if you'd like them.