Am I Overstocking For My 46 Gallon???


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I have a 46 gallon bowfront tank with around 60lbs of liverock and 50 lbs of sand. This is what I currently have in my tank now...

2 percula clowns
1 kole tang
1 yellow watchman blenny

I wanted to upgrade to a larger tank in 6months to a year. perhaps a 95 gallon :D

This is my stocking list for my 46 gallon im considering be4 i make my upgrade...

1 small regal tang
1 small hawaiin yellow tang
1 small dwarf flame angel fish
and maybe a few more fish no bigger then an 1"

AM I OVERSTOCKED, just right, or risky? let me know ur opinon! thanks

There is not enough room for all the tangs.
Isn't giving a gallon range for a tang a bit misleading? What if I had a 175 gallon square (3' square, 31" tall)...I don't think that would be good for the tang.

My opinion is you need twice the length of the fish for width and at least 6' of swimming room. That being said, a 90g isn't really much swimming room length wise for a tang.

Doesn't make a difference for a 46g bf...any tang would quickly outgrow that.
Yeah I made a beginner mistake of having a yellow tang in my first 72 gallon bow front and he was not to happy when he grew. I ended up trading him in for a cinamon clown...
i got a very small regal in my 55 that is 4 ft, and even then i got a 125 i'm slowing building in my basment for next year, that tank you have is way overstocked
I thought my yellow was happy in my 55g. But when I put him in my 180, i can now see that he is really happy.

Well, as happy as a fish can be.

So to the OP, looks like you need to upgrade!

rostato;197309 wrote: Yeah I made a beginner mistake of having a yellow tang in my first 72 gallon bow front and he was not to happy when he grew. I ended up trading him in for a cinamon clown...
dawgdude;197305 wrote: I would say that they are kept successfully in 4 foot tanks that are wider than a 55. However, the best for a tang would be 6 feet of swimming room so it can move around enough.

They will survive in a 4 ft tank, but are happy in at least a 6 ft tank. You should also consider the LR; depending on your aquascaping, the LR can take up A LOT of room.

OP, go bigger...way bigger!
I have a 25G with a Yellow Tang and a Potters Angel in it....46G not big enough for Tang?? Hogwash!

My tang has been pretty happy in his home for 3 years now....and so is the Potters..
washowi;197344 wrote: I have a 25G with a Yellow Tang and a Potters Angel in it....46G not big enough for Tang?? Hogwash!

My tang has been pretty happy in his home for 3 years now....and so is the Potters..

Busted! :lol2:
washowi;197344 wrote: I have a 25G with a Yellow Tang and a Potters Angel in it....46G not big enough for Tang?? Hogwash!

My tang has been pretty happy in his home for 3 years now....and so is the Potters..
For every rule of thumb, there's always another debunking it.
washowi;197344 wrote: I have a 25G with a Yellow Tang and a Potters Angel in it....46G not big enough for Tang?? Hogwash!

My tang has been pretty happy in his home for 3 years now....and so is the Potters..

Just because someone is able to keep a large breed outdoors chained to a pole with 4 feet of chain, 24-7, does not make it acceptable.

Tangs need a lot of room to swim around as they do in nature. Even a 55 gallon aquarium simply does not afford enough room for growth or movement for proper life of a tang, even the smaller Zebrasoma species. These smaller quarters will eventually lead to the physical retardation of growth, and potentially psychological crowding issues as well. Most people consider 75 gallons to be borderline for tangs, usually a minimum of 90 is suggested.
Nothing has been debunked. Just because you can get something to survive doesn't spell victory. How about you live in a room the size of an average closet. Sure, you'll survive, but you won't be happy and you definately won't thrive.

It's ridiulous to think that just because something is alive that it's happy.

And Jeff, you're a should know better!
Well growing....getting fatter...swims and plays well with others..That seems pretty happy to me.....

No lateral line......unless you have some special Tang language that would allow me to communicate with them verbally..That spells happy to me...

Oh well, as always, I am on the other side of the be it.
Now I believe that certain fish need alot of room but I also believe that not all fish need as much room as you think. Everyone said my engineer goby would destroy the rock foundations, they were wrong. Had him in the tank for over 2 years. But that is too much for a 46 gallon.
i'd say too many fish. I have a 75gallon with two fish and I don't know if i'd add any more to it.