Anemone Problems!


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Well my Rose Bubble anemone decided he'd let himself be sucked into the overflow. Why are anemones so dumb! I pulled him out and repositioned him on the other side of the tank. He's pretty torn up- I give him a 50/50 chance. I'll keep you guys posted.:sad:
Bryan, Im sorry to hear this. I also don't have good luck with those darn things for some reason. I hope that he makes it!
sorry to hear that mine decided to check out the powerhead last week but he seems to be doing alright now. GL with him
Maroons15 wrote: Bryan, Im sorry to hear this. I also don't have good luck with those darn things for some reason. I hope that he makes it!

Thanks, me too! He already looks a bit better. Man, I'll be p*ssed if he dies- he was proabably the coolest thing in my tank.
Rose Bubble tip amenones like flow! So overflow boxes are a nice place to find flow. Unfortunatley, so are the intakes of powerheads! :sad:

Bryan, I'm gald to hear that it's doing better. :)
bubble tips are pretty resilient. I have cut them, torn them, and accidently opulverized them (don't ask), and they come back with a vengeance. I'm guessing it'll be fine.
Best of luck to you (and him). I decided to run my flow with a closed loop and a mag 9 for that very reason. (Well that and I shocked the crap out of myself on a faulty power head on more then one day!)
Thanks everyone. He looked a lot better this morning, so I think he'll pull through. Even though his body was pretty mangled he was able to attach himslef to the liverock and his tentacles are partially inflated. I guess they are pretty resilient.
Maroons15 wrote: Thats great. Good to hear it. Its a good sign if he can attach.

Yeah, that's what I thought. On the upside I got a great-looking button polyp from Posiedon's Reef yesterday. He's about 4 inches in diameter and a real bright green- only 30 bucks!
The pretty condi you see to the left was lost to the suction of a powerhead.
wbholwell wrote: Yeah, that's what I thought. On the upside I got a great-looking button polyp from Posiedon's Reef yesterday. He's about 4 inches in diameter and a real bright green- only 30 bucks!

I love that place. They have really great prices and plenty of stock.
gclackum wrote: I love that place. They have really great prices and plenty of stock.

I agree- I plan to go back often! How are their prices on salt?
He looks good. He's about 1/3 the size he used to be, and his body looks a little mangled, but his tentacles are bulbous again and he's well attached to the rock. So he'll live :D
Glad to hear it man! Have you seen the one at Capp. Bay? Wholly crap!! It's like a baseketball.
Wow- that's big. I've got a long tentacle that's about the size of a woman's basketball- I hope it doesn't grow anymore:confused2:
Maroons15 wrote: Glad to hear it man! Have you seen the one at Capp. Bay? Wholly crap!! It's like a baseketball.

You talking about the one in that nano?!? OMG that thing was huge...
Yeah the nano on the right of the register when you walk in. Right in front of that tank with the mermaid thing in it.