Anemones in reef Tanks????


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I have pair of gold maroons that need a home but i have heard that you dont want anenomes in a reef tank because they move alot and will sting the corals. I have alot of sps and lps in my tank. Also if it is ok to do this What kind of anemone would be the best for the maroons?
I have an anemone in my reef tank. I think all depends on how big of a risk you are willing to take. There are several other people on this board with anemone(s) in their reef tanks. I don't think LTA's move around as much as BTA, but in the end it's depend on your water circulation, lighting and what the anemone likes. I've heard maroons prefer BTA's but I'm sure they host LTA's also.
Showtime305 wrote: I have an anemone in my reef tank. I think all depends on how big of a risk you are willing to take. There are several other people on this board with anemone(s) in their reef tanks. I don't think LTA's move around as much as BTA, but in the end it's depend on your water circulation, lighting and what the anemone likes. I've heard maroons prefer BTA's but I'm sure they host LTA's also.

What is BTA and LTA??
I was told the same by a friend, but I bought a large green bulb/bubble anemone anyway. Once he found his spot (sticking out of the rockwork about 10 inches from the surface and where there is moderate flow), he decided to stay there.

Before that, though, he spent a lot of time moving through the rock near the bottom, sometimes worrying me by hiding deep within the rock, which prevented his access to light and my feeding of him. I don't have a lot of corals, but none were hurt by him.

It also took about 6 weeks before my clowns even touched him. But now they're swimming through his tentacles like it is crack! :)

Hope this helps.
Thanks David i haev never had good luck t=with anemones and i fed my old one a silver side like every day and i was wondering if thats right or not. you were talking about feeding them.
Maroon's love BTA's I had a LTA that my maroon was hosting, I bought the fish and LTA from a friend of mine. He had the clown and LTA for 3 years. I put a BTA I already owned in another tank, in my new tank with the Maroon and LTA, with-in 10 minutes the Maroon dove in the BTA and now feeds it and lives in it. My LTA def. misses him. haha! But, I feed the LTA better than my maroon did. He was selfish with feeding the LTA. He now feed's his BTA before even he eats.:up:
Wow i love maroons there so interesting to watch like you said Zanski with him feeding the anemone before he eats. Now thats True Love.
Dustin here my Yamaha fx High output i said i'd post a pic of awhile ago. Thought you still might be interested in seeing it.
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but theres a right price for everything. I got em at marinefish for $150.00
Heres a pic
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Those are NICE.. I did not knew they was that high price and I hated for you to lose money on them, so I am going to have to pass on them.
Have they started spawing yet? Whach your arms if they do. I had a momma draw blood on me once!

Beautiful fish!
Wow no i have had them for about a month now. hopefully they will. i had two older white stripe maroons that were in weperate tanks and in my new 75 i tried to pair them up and they almost killed eachother so i traded them in for these. I love them
It depends on the anenome you choose...IME, BTAs move around alot, and if you have an established tank, a roaming BTA could sting alot of corals. LTAs tend not to move around as much, if at all, but can get very large.

- Michael

Maroons15 wrote: I have pair of gold maroons that need a home but i have heard that you dont want anenomes in a reef tank because they move alot and will sting the corals. I have alot of sps and lps in my tank. Also if it is ok to do this What kind of anemone would be the best for the maroons?