Anemones in reef Tanks????

goodfortune wrote: It depends on the anenome you choose...IME, BTAs move around alot, and if you have an established tank, a roaming BTA could sting alot of corals...
- Michael

My observations over the last 18months are that BTAs move around very infrequently (1x yr) once they have found their spot and you leave the water flow/patterns undisturbed. Until then, they will move around for a few weeks and even then move again a month or 2 latter later until they find that "spot".

It seems that adding a powerhead or changing its directional flow or adding a tunze can restart this settling process all over again.

As to BTAs "stinging" corals, my observation is that they when they expand themselves and flop over an existing coral (e.g., cap, zoa, etc.), the existing coral either receives no light or remains closed (e.g. Zoas), so that the impact is that over a few weeks this coral is either dying or receeding due to starvation. They do not sting like glaxia or other aggressive coral are known for.

Hope this helps,

thanks bob i also have a quiston. Will i need to feed this anemone. I have heard of people feeding them and how often would i need to because i would have two maroons in it
you can feed an anemone as much as you want, they will accept formula 1 cubes or silversides everyday 9 or what ever you shove its way), but be warned that it will cause the anemone to grow rather quickly. Anemones gather a good amount of nutrition from the lights too, I have an anemone tank and I spot feed them prolly 3 times a month, and I let my halide do the rest.
I have a long armed anenome No idea what type..I bought it a year or more ago..It was the size of a half dollar, It is now the size of a dinner plate. It has completely taken over the entire 12 gallon nano. really, it is an nano anenome tank now, the fish hide in a corner cause there is nowhere to go .they are a pain in the ***. For the life of me, why do we have them? I would say, don't buy and get a nice coral or fish.

BTW i have never fed my anenome, not even once. If it feeds, it gets it food from the tank feeding or my insane tomato clown that hosts in it. He is mean as hell.

Just say "NO" to anenomes....