Day before yesterday I had the smallest of my 3 chromis die. He was acting strange in the morning, hiding, and a couple hours later he was dead. Body looked perfect, no spots or blemishes. I checked the water, very small amounts of ammonia and nitrites. Did about a 10% water change and added Kent's Ammonia buffer and the alkalinity buffer.
Everyone was happy and swimming around yesterday. I rechecked the water last night before lights out and all parameters were good:
Sp Gr 1.026
pH 8.3
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10 ppm
This morning, dead fish clinging to filter intake
Sp Gr 1.026, no change
pH decreased to about 8.2? Difficult to tell slight changes with color chart
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0.25 ppm
Nitrates 0 - 5 ppm
Pics of fish below, other than being bent from being wrapped around filter I don't see anything.
My clowns have been fine in that QT for over a month and 2 chromis dead in a week.
Everyone was happy and swimming around yesterday. I rechecked the water last night before lights out and all parameters were good:
Sp Gr 1.026
pH 8.3
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10 ppm
This morning, dead fish clinging to filter intake
Sp Gr 1.026, no change
pH decreased to about 8.2? Difficult to tell slight changes with color chart
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0.25 ppm
Nitrates 0 - 5 ppm
Pics of fish below, other than being bent from being wrapped around filter I don't see anything.
My clowns have been fine in that QT for over a month and 2 chromis dead in a week.