Another newbie looking for advice about a tank


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Hi everyone,

I just joined the group this week (this place is great!) and am looking for a little advice about the tank I'm considering getting. I have a corner in our master bedroom that seems to be begging for a tank, so I'm looking for a used 50ish gallon corner tank (bow front in black - my hubby is picky). I have looked several places and they don't seem very common and I'm wondering if there is a reason. Does this configuration not work well for salt water/reef tank? I am not looking to do anything fancy. I just have to day that I had a saltwater tank about 15 years ago and I can't believe how things have progressed - amazing! Thanks in advance.

Contact Optimum Aquarium 678-594-2272 even though you stated used they have new ones for really good prices I think they are 52 gallon RR not 100% sure.
I personally had a 92 corner. It works very well but does have challenges. The 92 is the same footprint as the 54 so I'd recommend the bigger tank...just my opinion. The challenge is that equipment isn't made to fit the curvature of the stand and I've never seen a pre-made canopy for these tanks. All I've ever seen are custom builds which can be expensive (unless you have forum members that can build...and we do). The sump will have to be custom configured in order to maximize the space. It's not impossible, just a challenge.

Personally....I LOVED my 92. It just didn't fit in the corner I needed it to (it's an odd wall that comes out only 30" while the 92 comes out 36" so there was 6" of tank sticky out past the end of the wall...just didn't look right).

Recently there was a 54 corner posted here for sale. May want to search the Drygood and Livestock section or post a WTB: Corner Tank in the Wanted to Buy section. I'll bet one will pop up. I'd sell you mine but it's already sold and gone.

Good luck with it...I think you'll love it!
First of all, welcome.

I have never owned a corner tank, but I wanted to echo Jeff's concern's regarding non-standard sizing contraints.

For a reef aquarium, I would recommend planning every detail of your system before buying anything. Talk to folks here, look at build threads and research so you can engineer a stable and capable system. Decide on what livestock you want. For example, there are differences in setting up a fish only tank vs a fully stocked coral reef. Furthermore, different corals have different requirements and you can tailor your system to whatever you desire. It is a LOT of fun and very rewarding and there are tons of knowledgable folks here willing to answer your q's.

For what it's worth, I have a tank in the corner of my living room - I caddy cornered a cube!

Again, welcome to the crazy farm!:D