Any good cabinet makers?


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Im looking to possibly have a canopy made for my 210. My only issue is that the hood I have is slightly longer than the tank (due to the fans), so I will need one kinda specially made. It wont need to be fancy or anything, just functional. Does anyone know of any reasonable cabinet makers I could contact? I'm in (way) northern Georgia up by Tennessee, so nothing way out of the way. Thanks.
Ed Tingley (Eagle Home Improvement) is someone who we use for woodworking and home improvement. He isn't cheep, but is a consumate craftsman and stands by his work. His number is 678-776-7797. This weekend he is at the World Congress Center for the International Woodworking Convention (and not working on our deck), so call him after this weekend.
Why not try it yourself. It isn't hard. Even if it isn't perfect, it will be yur cheapest route. I built my own stand and will be building a stand and canopy for my 56 gallon tank in the next few weeks.
wish I could, but time time time. has anyone out there invented a time machine yet? if so, I would like to rent it for a day.
A guy makes all the custom cabinets for Athens Aquarium, he does good work!! I know!! I finished my custom cabinet for my 210 also 3 months ago. I did mine all out of maple. My whole stand cost $1200, in materials alone, but i used alot of rope trim and rope crown moulding. I ordered the cabinet doors from an online company, I didn't have the time or the tools to make the doors, perfectly. Check out the guy from Athens Aquarium, he already knows that size of tank, since he has some of the stands and canopies on display in the store. Plus he could custom stain it for you with what type of wood you want (oak,pine or etc.)
Phone # (706)-546-1337 Athens Aquarium