Any Reefers here keep Discus?


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Cumming, Georgia
I know this is a reef forum and you can delete if this post is not allowed. I am just curious if anyone here keeps discus. Besides my reef tank I recently set up a discus tank.
I know several of us keep freshwater tanks, not sure about discus specifically. There is a freshwater forum here though, which is probably where this should be placed.
I used to keep a very heavily planted 55 gallon tank with 2 discus and a handful of neon tetras. Plumbed it up to grow cherry tomatoes with a flood and drain table as an experiment(worked great). The discus started as little 2" guys and grew to be well over 7" each in just a year. Fed them live blackworms and live blood worms alternated every day 3x a day, and tetra flakes when I would walk by and they would act like they were hungry. I never did water changes, but it was a tank stocked full of different nubias, sword plants, and more java moss than you could imagine, as well as the cherry tomatoes. I think the flood and drain table basically worked like a trickle filter also, so take my no water changes with a grain of salt, probably wouldn't work in most cases. But if you want to do indoor aquaponics, you can do it with discus instead of tilapia, lol. The flood and drain table was super loud the way I had it setup, my friends nicknamed my house water-world.
An old member we lost Acroholic ( Dave) kept an amazing system with them. not sure with the forum move if we have anything left picture wise of his
I have discus, but I'm new to the hobby, but read alot about them. They are the Stendker variety so they have been putting up with me so far. lol! They get big very fast. I don't feed but twice a day and keep the temp around 82 deg. F. I have lots of plants. I do weekly 50% water changes. Fingers crossed!