Any suggestions for feeding fish while on Vacation?


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I have been going over and over try to figure out how I am going to feed my fish while I go on vacation. Do yall have any thoughts? I have got the water level finally figured out so I just have to figure out how to feed the fish for 8 days..........Help! Thanks Jay
carefull with the friend idea..ive heard horror stories about unexperienced reefers sittin tanks.
dawgdude;178483 wrote: Haha I agree with Jade, I had a friend leave my halide on for 4 days and it was a 250w on a 29g! Crashed the tank. I would say get a rondomatic automatic feeder. Expensive yes.....but how much is your tank worth and its about the same price as replacing one nice fish. Set that up atleast a few days before you leave and ensure its working properly and going to actually feed your fish. Ive not owned one of these, but know many people who have and rave about them.

I have no problem spending the money on the feeder just worried what kinda would be best and what type of dry food would be appropriate for my fish. I have Triggers,Clowns,Anthias,Goby,Tang and Damsels. Any thoughts?
Have a friend feed them. Just put the portions in one of those little daily medicine boxes for the amount each day. I just got back from being gone 8 days and my best friend who knows nothing about fish took care of things for me. I had a back up for questions in the event she needed to call someone or ask a question.
aceheart1976;178499 wrote: now does he have the lights figured out on timers yet? the freind idea was just a suggestion and an iffy one at that to be honest. it has got to be someone i would trust with my life to trust them with my tanks lol

Lights are good to go.
dawgdude;178489 wrote: What do you currently feed? I feed almost exclusivly dry foods with seaweed. I feed Prime Reef, Brine Shrimp Plus, Marine Formula Two, Spectrum Thera A pellets and Julian sprung seaweed. Ive got tangs, foxface, gramma, diamond goby, breeding pair of clowns, school of chromis and mandarin

I currently feed Pe Mysis and cyclops, I was told by someone on here, that the trigger and anthias could not eat dry food, that is why I am trying to figure this thing out before the fourth of July. If I can find a way not to inconvienence somebody on that holiday I am going to try.

I am hoping that someone knows of a dry food that I can feed these guys with a very reliable feeder that they have used. Thanks for the help, Jay
BeesBaby;178558 wrote: Another possibility is to have a fellow ARC member who lives in Cumming come by to feed the fish while your away. Most ARCers know what to expect and/or look out for when feeding the fish and ensure that the lights/filtration/other equipment is running properly.

There was a thread that was started up a couple of years ago where everybody who was willing would add their name, contact info, and where they would be able to help out at. Most would be willing to do for frags. Just a thought.

As much as I hate to do it I might have to bug Danny on this one.