Anyone feed their Tangs this stuff


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someone turned me on to this feed food"></a>

Ever since then my tangs look like the need to go on a diet they look over wieght.
Before my tangs use to look like they were on a slim fast diet, their belly sucked in.
They can't get enough of this stuff
good stuff
I think everything in the tank eats it
Never tried it but I will soon.I like Kent products. Anyone in the Cherokee county area find any Nori ? I want to stock up on some.
try the small size pellets
they seems have trouble with the Medium size

they rush to eat the small size pellet more than the medium
I feed the entire tank Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Marine Flakes... that stuff must have fish crack in it. Everything seems to love it. I add Spectrum Marine Flakes w/Garlic. My tang loves Spectrum and eats it more than any other fish.
Cameron;32630 wrote: I feed the entire tank Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef Marine Flakes... that stuff must have fish crack in it. Everything seems to love it. I add Spectrum Marine Flakes w/Garlic. My tang loves Spectrum and eats it more than any other fish.

How do you keep the flakes from going to the overflow before they can eat it
I stop feeding my tank flakes because of this problem

I guess the other way around this problem would be to turn off or turn down the power heads

for me, I would have to unplug everytime I feed

My next big purchase is going to be a controler for my power heads
I dip my fingers and flakes into the water and release. If you put them on top, they do what you said. However if you wet them first, they blow all over the tank and your fish get a little exercise while eating.

You can also use a feeding ring which works well.