Pondering coral specimens that have shown great growth and color over the past 14 months since I set up the tank: red digi, green slimer, blue Oregon tort, Monti, leather, hammer, Duncan, zoa.... These sailed through the slime stages of a new aquarium, the bouncing of chemical parameters as I learned "the school of hard knocks" and calibrated filtration, and the introduction of fish. But only about half my torches survived the 1st few months (and have grown into colonies)In the first five months, before fish, I had to dose phosphate and nitrate for coral health, lol! Today, I do 15% weekly water changes, a few gallons every day by automation, and have 2 phosphate and 40 nitrate (ouch, but everything seems happy). As coral have grown, I have to chase alkalinity and CA, and dose trace elements, and now use the calc reactor, dose alkalinity and calcium, and all evaporation make up has kalkwasser.....Late last year, I added several dozen tiny springerii damsels, and they each live in a protected niche of the aquarium (and wait for food to float by; many have recently been digging nests in the substrate).