Anyone have a 3-D printer?

Have you tried using a glue stick to help adhere your filament to the plate better? This is what we use to prevent this issue.
I had previously with PLA but found if the plate temp was set good I didn't need it. I think what was happening here is I had the plate temp a little too high and then as the material cooled (probably too fast) it curled up.

I'll give glue stick another shot when I start messing with this again.

Thanks for the tip - I always figured a pro level setup would use some secret magical something or the other rather than plain old fashioned glue stick.
Here’s one of my favorite prints so far. It is made from 14 large prints. For size reference, you can fit your head inside the jaw and wear this as a helmet if you wanted. Lol


I experimented with friction welding using leftover filament. But neither friction welding nor cyanoacrylate nor hot glue has given me adherence properties that I’m looking for yet with PLA.
and why is there not a picture of you wearing this ?

I would love to be able to print (safely) in the house with ABS or PVC so it would be easier to glue pieces together. I'm not keen on the fumes from those though as I don't have a good vented space.
Keep us informed in how it turns out.

I like to use the big purple glue sticks, so that I can see how thick or thin the glue that is actually coming off the stick, and I can ensure that I don’t miss the edges and corners of where I expect the print to be.
Here’s one of my favorite prints so far. It is made from 14 large prints. For size reference, you can fit your head inside the jaw and wear this as a helmet if you wanted. Lol

View attachment 17723

I experimented with friction welding using leftover filament. But neither friction welding nor cyanoacrylate nor hot glue has given me adherence properties that I’m looking for yet with PLA.
This is really cool.
I've got a 3D printer as well. I have ABS, PETG and polycarbonate filament. If you need an ABS print, I will help you out.

Also, I use a couple layers of Aquanet hairspray on a heated borosilicate glass print bed, which helped a ton with curling edges. It is just another alternative to the gluestick trick, which also worked fairly well.

Oh, and a great piece of software for 3D printing is Simplify 3D.

Let me know if you need help with the print, guys.

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I use painters tape and wipe clean periodically with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol.
I'll have some clear PETG a couple other parts I've been meaning to upgrade on mine - I'll try to mess around this week or weekend and see if I can get this material to play nice.

If any of you are SUPER bored - below is a time lapse video of one of my previous attempts at printing PETG - the corners end up lifting and then I think I was cooling to quick and the layers don't adhere once you get a centimeter or 2 off the print surface.

All due to me not taking the time to sort out the best settings.

Let me know if there’s some way I can help. 3D printing is something I’m hopelessly behind on. I’m not sure what it would be, but I’m happy to help if I can.
There are definitely some challenges to overcome. The model poster asks for 100% infill, (solid model) to reduce buoyancy. My print was 20% infill. When I tried 100% infill it pulled the print off the bed. It would probably work just as well to use low infill and add holes to get the same result. Let's see what @lmm1967 finds.
That 3-D print is not a bad idea! I like its simplicity.

And it makes me wonder if I can accomplish the same thing by purchasing the smallest diameter PVC pipe and cutting some small notches.
Here’s one of my favorite prints so far. It is made from 14 large prints. For size reference, you can fit your head inside the jaw and wear this as a helmet if you wanted. Lol

View attachment 17723

I experimented with friction welding using leftover filament. But neither friction welding nor cyanoacrylate nor hot glue has given me adherence properties that I’m looking for yet with PLA.

I have use Weldon to glue pla together . Same stuff you use when working with acrylic . It bonds the pla together really good
yep - but @aestheticlibra said he hates PVC

Lol, the subtext that I heard was “I don’t like how the PVC pipes *look*.” This implies the appearance is the issue. Current uses appear unsatisfactory, and that we are considering solutions for a better look. But maybe I am wrong in this interpretation.

I’m a firm believer in creating solutions that address the problem directly, and not just masking the surface of underlying issues. For that reason, if the concern is looks, we should target the look and not the material in our efforts. We can use other materials, but we aren’t limited to do so by necessity.