Apex software update and Fusion

DawgFace;1011265 wrote: if that's what it is, your good. That is just a basic "hardwire" switch.
So I should be able to turn off the wife on my laptop, hook it up to my hardwire switch with an ethernet cable and then hook my apex up to my switch with another ethernet cable and be good to go right?

To put it easier.

<li>Disable WiFi on laptop. Generally a slid on the side or front of your laptop to do this. Icon looks like a cell phone tower emitting signal. If you can't find it let me know what laptop exactly you are using and I'll locate and tell you exactly how to do this.</li>
<li>Get two Ethernet cables. Colors do not matter.</em></li>
<li>Connect the first from your laptop to that switch.</li>
<li>The second from your Apex to the Switch. (Ports on the switch do not matter either)</li>
Or if an illustration works better. Look at the diagram I quickly found online. That "Hub or switch" is your game switch. Those computer icons can represent and will in your case your laptop and apex as well as what ever else you have on it. The RJ-45 is the official name for Ethernet cables. Which can come in any color.

Hope this helps
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Here is a video I found helpful quickly on the actual steps to update the firmware.

<!-- gcu-updated ame -->http://youtu.be/lMerw1KDRt8<!-- gcu-updated /ame -->
Thanks, I'm going to give it a try when I get home. Haven't been able to connect to my apex from my app in months and can't seem to figure out why. Hoping the update and fusion will put everything back in motion. Also just picked up a WXM and apex auto feeder so I really want to be able to see my controller away from home now.
Last but not least. I know this is all confusing but make sure you do it. Life gets so much easier on Fusion. Things like this are a thing of the past.... Honestly makes you want to Fusion everything in life ha
If you can't figure it out by the weekend I may be able to slide away to help... For absolute sure the following week at the latest.
DawgFace;1011278 wrote: Last but not least. I know this is all confusing but make sure you do it. Life gets so much easier on Fusion. Things like this are a thing of the past.... Honestly makes you want to Fusion everything in life ha

:lol2: That's the mean reason why I want fusion. I hate networking. It's a miracle I was able to even set up my home security cameras on my own. Although it did take me 2 days of no sleep and eating to get it done. :o
DawgFace;1011279 wrote: If you can't figure it out by the weekend I may be able to slide away to help... For absolute sure the following week at the latest.

I'll come crying on here if I lose connection with my apex altogether! That's when you know I screwed something up. I can still control my apex from my mobile app while on the home wifi, just not away from home. Checked the IP address and all that and it seems right.
It isn't hard at all. Follow the directions and in 10 minutes you can
Access from any internet web browser in the world.
Hnguyen;1011280 wrote: :lol2: That's the mean reason why I want fusion. I hate networking. It's a miracle I was able to even set up my home security cameras on my own. Although it did take me 2 days of no sleep and eating to get it done. :o

Holy cow dude. Just give me a call lol! I'm not that far away.

And as Jesse said, once you get Fusion working you'll wish everything in this hobby was that easy.
Not going to be responsible for the outcome, but I've done 5-6 updates just using my wireless extender that has a LAN cable to the main Apex module. It thinks it's wired.
I guess the problem would be if the extender somehow lost connection while the update was going, but that could happen wired to your router too if somehow your internet had a quick lapse.
Success!!! Thanks Jesse for the YouTube video, it was a great help. Thanks to everyone else for the help and input as well.
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Hnguyen;1011421 wrote: Success!!! Thanks Jesse for the YouTube video, it was a great help. Thanks to everyone else for the help and input as well.

Woot! Enjoy!
I remember the feeling I had when I finally got Fusion going in the basement. Way more happy than I probably should have been. lol

Way to go!
Now I just need to figure out how to navigate this thing. Back on YouTube for awhile to see what I can find
tonymission;1011415 wrote: Not going to be responsible for the outcome, but I've done 5-6 updates just using my wireless extender that has a LAN cable to the main Apex module. It thinks it's wired.
I guess the problem would be if the extender somehow lost connection while the update was going, but that could happen wired to your router too if somehow your internet had a quick lapse.

Yea I'd be careful as per Neptune's incessant reminding doomsday is just around the corner.

But what I think can happen revolves around packet loss while in the midst of updating. Likely poor code or poor initial planning on Neptunes end they failed to implement protections in upload failure along the way. Essentially allowing the update even with portions missing due to latency and packet loss. Potentially causing catastrophic failures after the update.

What I d know is wireless always has packet loss issues to some extent and wired never unless you have hardware issues of significance. Additionally wireless connectivity is much more adversely effected by common day appliances and elements. Microwaves I believe can increase packet loss occasionally.

But that is my limited laymen understanding of this issue.
I just updated the firmware on my Apex earlier this week. An earlier post indicated that "Wireless from laptop to Internet is fine.". This is not the case for the firmware update on your Apex controller. This update will NOT work via a wireless connection.

You have to connect via a cable from your Apex controller to the router and then from a laptop or other computer via a cable to your router. This is a requirement that cannot be skipped or changed for the Apex firmware update. Other device updates, such as WMX controllers, etc. can be updated via a wireless connection but NOT the Apex controller.

The Fusion program is excellent so I strongly recommend that update to the latest firmware for all Apex controllers.

Neptune has an excellent community forum that provides answers to any Apex question or issue.

Reef_Addict;1011569 wrote: I just updated the firmware on my Apex earlier this week. An earlier post indicated that "Wireless from laptop to Internet is fine.". This is not the case for the firmware update on your Apex controller. This update will NOT work via a wireless connection.

You have to connect via a cable from your Apex controller to the router and then from a laptop or other computer via a cable to your router. This is a requirement that cannot be skipped or changed for the Apex firmware update. Other device updates, such as WMX controllers, etc. can be updated via a wireless connection but NOT the Apex controller.

The Fusion program is excellent so I strongly recommend that update to the latest firmware for all Apex controllers.

Neptune has an excellent community forum that provides answers to any Apex question or issue.


Well that's not entirely true. Tonymission just said that he's updated 6 times using a extender, that's wireless.

Additionally the apex has no idea how it is connected, just that it is. Packet loss is the problem. Having said that I think it's only remotely possible being wireless or on a power line adapter between laptop and router. I don't think the upload will complete at all in wireless form from apex to router.

Aside from that I agree Fusion is awesome and would not recommend doing anything other that wired if I were dependent on the apex while updating. Having said that I have an extra one. I may run some test on power line adapters to see if updating is at all possible.
i hope i can get mine running shortly, i purchase my apex on November and until yesterday i stared to use it and when i plug in the system, the display is not working, work for 2 second and freezes for 2 minutes, so i e-mail support and waiting to see what they say.