Apex software update and Fusion

Hnguyen;1011267 wrote: So I should be able to turn off the wife on my laptop, hook it up to my hardwire switch with an ethernet cable and then hook my apex up to my switch with another ethernet cable and be good to go right?

God, I wish it was that easy....
Reef_Addict;1011569 wrote: I just updated the firmware on my Apex earlier this week. An earlier post indicated that "Wireless from laptop to Internet is fine.". This is not the case for the firmware update on your Apex controller. This update will NOT work via a wireless connection.

You have to connect via a cable from your Apex controller to the router and then from a laptop or other computer via a cable to your router. This is a requirement that cannot be skipped or changed for the Apex firmware update. Other device updates, such as WMX controllers, etc. can be updated via a wireless connection but NOT the Apex controller.

The Fusion program is excellent so I strongly recommend that update to the latest firmware for all Apex controllers.

Neptune has an excellent community forum that provides answers to any Apex question or issue.


You misunderstood what I said. I said, a wired connection from laptop to Apex but a wireless connection from laptop to Internet was fine. That is straight from Neptunes website. But if you don't trust it that is fine. Wired all the way is good too. (Sounds like something I would have said back in the 70s).
tonymission;1011670 wrote: God, I wish it was that easy....

Shoot, at my age I just wish I could turn on my wife once in a while. Wifi or otherwise.
rdnelson99;1011706 wrote: Shoot, at my age I just wish I could turn on my wife once in a while. Wifi or otherwise.

Well that's another story. I'm probably like 1/3 your age (lol) and have that issue. Blaming it on the kids.
tonymission;1011708 wrote: Well that's another story. I'm probably like 1/3 your age (lol) and have that issue. Blaming it on the kids.

What are you 12??? I mean I am only 36 (for 19 years running). :-)
rdnelson99;1011710 wrote: What are you 12??? I mean I am only 36 (for 19 years running). :-)

Naw, that's how you talk when you're 34 and have more gray hair than some guys in their 50s. :blush:
Still an 80s baby though... trying to stay young (but Im not gonna use just for men) :D
Ok so if it's not one thing then it's another. I picked up a wxm module to control my 4 vortech pumps and I'm not having any luck figuring it out. I can't seem to update my vortech drivers nor attach them to my wxm. Can someone with experience walk me through this or possibly swing by tomorrow of give me a hand before I end up with more gray hair then Tony?
I just did mine last night using this page.
Where are you having problems?

I finally figured it out. It seems I went wrong in many places. First thing was I thought I updated my wxm firmware when I really don't think I did. I went to the module update and updated my wxm, it took 5 sections and the status led blinded orange a few times and went back to green. I think it started to work after 20 failed attempts was when I went back and power cycled my wxm and then updated something called wxm rf firmware. I had no idea what that was at the moment but figure if it says wxm and had firmware on it, it couldn't hurt to try. My other mistake was not doing a power cycle on the wxm module after every update. I powered cycled after I did the wxm rf firmware update and proceeded to update my ecosmart. That's when it finally worked. I though it didn't at first since the lights my ecosmart driver was flashing didn't match want the manual said but my apex picked it up as an update so I just ran with it. I updated all 4 of my vortech pumps and did another power cycle and now I have it on my dashboard of apex fusion. It's been a long tiring night but I'm so glad I figured it out.

Now, is anyone running vortechs on fusion and want to share settings. I haven't figured that part out yet.
Glad you got it!!
RF is "Radio Frequency".
To setup settings on Fusion:
Touch the "outputs" (looks like a plug), then touch one of the new pump names, VortechMP10R.... It will pull up a preset graph. You just drag and drop to change time, power, mode... To add additional graph times touch setting (bottom left orange)...
I just played around (with one power head) dragging, adding new time points.. When I liked it I compared it (top right corner) to others and matched up modes, synced... as desired. I'm not sure how to "share" it or I would but I'm sure you will want your own anyway. Different tanks need different settings.