ARC Annual Swap Meet

I'll add this one piece of advice and disappear into the shadows... (not that I'm saying that I won't help)

Set it up and tell people about it and have them ask questions; not the other way around ;)
Someone wrote a great How To guide on this I just ran across.

wow some people have too much time. you can pretty much guarentee cameron that you will have petland as a vendor sponsor, id have to ok it with the the owner first of course, but we are definetely interested.
Thekid55;42159 wrote: so does anyone one want to find a location

I'll nominate the conference room in Steve Shindell's office building that we used last time for our dry goods swap and several meetings... Steve, are they tired of having us yet? I know we have been there so many times, so I don't want to overburden you. I was just thinking how central the space is to people coming from all directions. Is this a even a remote possibility?
just a note--given that I live in Macon, i'm a little hesitant to "coordinate" the facilities piece since it may involve a lot of back and forth and checking things out. i'm happy to "co-coordinate" with someone, though...
I think you have to have selling since a lot of us have just started up our tanks or are moving into SPS territory and no one wants to trade their superman LE frag for a coupla' shrooms...
Swap meets are just that generally. Most people sell stuff, but you can always haggle a deal. It is up to the individual vendor.
My building can be used - although it is up to the BoD, as it costs a little $ to the management people.

You can use our house too if you want to do a BBQ or somthing (we have a big deck) - we are on the top of the perimeter near 400 and 285.
One question is .... how should the club be involed financially? Some clubs require paying a nominal fee at the door ($5?) or paying a percentage of sales (pain to track). Or the club could absorb the costs entirely, although too many of those, and we start to go bankrupt.
I think eventually the club should charge a door fee, but to get more people in we should skip that and just charge a table fee. If we charge $20 for a full table and $10 for a half, we would probably make at least $400 which would absorb some of the cost. Later events once we are established could easily collect $3-$5 at the door like most swap meets and actually become more of revenue stream rather than an expense. Course if we want to do more advertising and have a larger event with raffles and such, a door charge may be necessary.
Bleedingthought;42238 wrote: But what is the difference between a table fee charge and a door entry fee charge?

You pay a table fee if you have a lot of stuff for sale - skimmers and stuff take up space.


Everyone pays a lower door entry fee for showing up - buying or selling.

Bleedingthought;42240 wrote: Also, what would be the difference (to the people attending) between using a rented 'room' and a free hosting place?

More space - office space or warehouse lets us roam freely. Free is usually someone's house, and although Steve has a large house, I can't imagine 100 people with bags of corals squeezing in there very well...
mojo;42241 wrote: although Steve has a large house, I can't imagine 100 people with bags of corals squeezing in there very well...

We would have more room if 10% of all corals went into my tanks....
i think a cook out should be for another time lets stick to a frag swap/stuff swap. i think a office space would be good. i know a huge church that has rooms that could fit 100-150 people easy and a simple $2-$3 door fee would work with a $5-$10 table fee. sponsers get in free and get a booth. i think setting up tanks for the frags is to much work and is not the best for the frags that will be moved from bags to tank to bags to tanks. i think early july would be the best goal for a date. it would be great if the ARC would be a part of the swap.

if no one else is stepping up i could coordinate it. but the hardest part of the thing is finding a venue.
Bleedingthought;42238 wrote: But what is the difference between a table fee charge and a door entry fee charge?
Table charge would be for people who want to setup and sell things. You would buy either 1 table or half a table. Lets say we setup 25 tables that would come out to be around $500 at $20 a table charge. A door fee hits people wanting to buy stuff. You pay $2-$5 to get in. If 100 people show up and you are charging $3 a head you get $300. Most shows do both and virtually every show hits vendors up as they are the ones with the most to gain from a swap meet.
Depends on the swap meet and how it is setup. Some allow anyone to sell/trade others only allow those who buy a vendor tag to trade/sell. Most that I have been to allow anyone to do it, but if you are there to make money or get rid of inventory a table is much easier to do business at and only costs you around $10 for half a table.
First sponser in... I bet Fishy will be in and Petland Alph already said they would probably be in. If we could get one or more of Posiedens, AquaBuys, Marine Fish, Cap Bay, etc along with Mike's All Things Reef we would have one heck of a good start.