ARC Annual Swap Meet

Jaandgc;42536 wrote: Will this be open for all, or just ARC members. The only thing that worries me about a table fee is, several years ago I went to the chat. frag swap with the intent on selling frags, the only problem was everyone else there was selling also, not many buyers. I would hate to take a loss, (not very local) and the interest for my frags the last I came up to sale was down.
I think this will be open to anyone and we should encourage as many people as possible to show up. The more buyers the happier the vendors will be. I know I want to move some of my goods.

If we have table prices which is still up in the air, we should probably see what the venue will cost us. Getting $200 for our tables with a $400 venue won't work.
I personally really like the idea of charging $3 a head--a nominal fee-- scrapping the table fee, and giving every person a raffle ticket for their $3 entry fee. That way, even if you don't buy anything, your're automatically entered into a raffle and I'm sure we could get some donated frags/colonies to make people want to come.
I think Jaandgc has a good point. You may want to see how many people would come just to buy ....not necessarily be the ones to sell. The only reason I say this is that several years ago we tried the same thing (ARC) at a community center in Marietta (a nice inexpensive venue if interested). A LOT of work went into putting it on and there was a very poor turn out....just the ones who were selling ...not too many buying.
PS. Lisa and Ray are probably still eating hamburgers :)
Why not do a combination of the current suggestions (table fee, entry fee, raffles)? Jesse's suggestion of giving each attendee a ticket for a door prize(s) for their entry fee is a great idea! The concern, I guess, would be to cover any costs associated with putting on the event. The choice of venue, in that case, would be what would drive the "nominal fees" that would need to be charged. My personal feeling is that turn out would be determined by what we are able to offer the attendee and location. The easier the access, the more tables we are able to get committed, and the publication of raffle items and committed vendors/sellers would go a long way into insuring that the club (if the decision is made to sponsor the event) isn't left holding the bag. If the Chattanooga meeting was any indication, we should be able to draw from quite a large area (GA, AL, TN, SC) so hopefully we can avoid the situation fishwhisperer described.
As a side note I was just kinda browsing the Chattanooga Reef Clubs forums and there happened to be a picture of Mufret from that event they had at UTC.
mufret;42584 wrote: Why not do a combination of the current suggestions (table fee, entry fee, raffles)? Jesse's suggestion of giving each attendee a ticket for a door prize(s) for their entry fee is a great idea! The concern, I guess, would be to cover any costs associated with putting on the event. The choice of venue, in that case, would be what would drive the "nominal fees" that would need to be charged. My personal feeling is that turn out would be determined by what we are able to offer the attendee and location. The easier the access, the more tables we are able to get committed, and the publication of raffle items and committed vendors/sellers would go a long way into insuring that the club (if the decision is made to sponsor the event) isn't left holding the bag. If the Chattanooga meeting was any indication, we should be able to draw from quite a large area (GA, AL, TN, SC) so hopefully we can avoid the situation fishwhisperer described.

I think we should go one of two ways. Keep it local and simple by just doing a yard sale type event or try to put on something where we get more people and good deals are to be found left and right. I think the later is a bit more work, but I also think it will benefit everyone more. I also think the later allows us to turn this into a special annual event if it goes well. These types of events are very exciting and as Mike said if you lock down enough vendors people will drive from all over trying to find a good deal.

I don't think we need huge fees either. Couple bucks from the walk ins would pay for some nice raffle items which usually brings people out in droves and a modest table fee would cover the venue.
ok so lets see what we have here.

steve's officespace is the venue

$3 a person for a entry fee

$5 for a half table

$10 for a whole table

and i was thinking the door fee will give every person a raffle ticket for maybe a small tank/ stand combo we can buy from a sponser that is there
This sounds awesome! I am in. I would like to do all of the above buy, sell and/or trade frags and equipment. :) I do not mind paying $5 to get in the door because I know that we need to cover costs to have the place. I really like getting new frags for my tank.
Hey Sammy... I am going to need a bottle or two of that coral dip pro stuff! :) I cannot wait. :) :) :)
As for waiting, I think we are going to find moving slower is going to be a necessity. I don't know when the next board meeting is, but I am guessing that won't be until sometime in June. After that, we need to create and distrubte advertising which will take a couple or more weeks. June is just way too soon. Late July is probably doable, August is good and maybe even September as someone suggested earlier.
The idea appears to be dead as a doornail... oh well no biggie since we have the Chatt one right up the road.
Would love to see this happen in September... hope it's not scrapped.

Bleedingthought;58147 wrote: Wasn't this idea discussed but thrown out because of weather issues, though?

Umm.... I don't remember anything about that. I think we mentioned something about bringing a cooler b/c of the heat, but that's about it...