ARC opinions on T5 vs. Halides from experience?

dawgdude;277161 wrote: ...since this is the ultimate goal.

Is it? That again is a preference, in the simplist of terms. I dont find the illumination of my entire tank useless at all. I actually like it. Hey, I have a preference too!

The shimmer is pretty neato, I agree, and in a fishless tank I would probably opt for it just for a dynamic appeal. But with fish, I cope without the shimmer. I really think it has a lot to do with what you become accustomed to overtime, as well.

The chiller think as Jeremy said has too many variables. I run my t5s 3" over the water in a canopy and need no chiller. I ran a 150 halide 12" over my solana and could have used one. There are just too many things to account for to argue that one. I admit though, to save on cooling costs, I usually do not run my ac in the summer when I am not home. This would make a big difference, obviously, so you would really have to account all of that. With my halide, it couldnt be done. With my t5s, I can leave the thermostat at about 78-80 with no problems. But, those are different tanks, so again, apples and oranges.
Actually, yes, I do have a couple in the top left corner. My frag rack is actually there as well, 6" under water.

I'm not arguing semantics. How the light is distributed is a preference. </em>You you aquascape and the corals you select is all preference. And you say that the lighting you choose is function over form, and is not affected by preference? And teh 20k look you like so much is a choice of function over form/preference? So point lighting is not a preference, but a choice of function over form? And I choose T5s because I like the way my tank looks more than I like the function of a light for my tank? Thats not true. I chose it for the great color, great par, and ability for me to run it cooler. BUT, I didnt choose it specifically for uniform light distribution, I have just taken advantage of the fact that it offers that buy using the space that may otherwise not be lit by a point light.
I guess to kinda get back on topic, Ace, I would think if you are looking at both options you might want to plan your tank as detailed as possible. Tank dimentions, kinds of corals, kinds of equipment, budget, aquascaping scheme, etc.

All those may effect which light is gonna work best for you, since there is no real answer to which is best, universally.
I have ran both for years now and I still love my MH over the T-5s. I get better color from my zoas and better growth on my LPS. I've actually run a tank on 250 watt MHs gone to T5s and back on the same tank and the MH is definitly better for the corals in my opinion. I have a chiller, so that exense is always a factor too though.
Well, in your case, then it might make sense to choose point light.

For me, my preference is the overall asthetic of m tank in my home. I like not only how it looks on the inside, but also how it fits in to my design and decor. I admittedly will put a coral's preference on a back seat to my own, within reason.

I though Japan used a myriad (not just 1 or 2) of point source halogens? Or does it vary from one tank to the next?
The corals don't know what kind of lights are over them.....They use PAR to grow....they don't use Light bulbs... So what ever gives you PAR for the coral works!!!

Heck I proved that T5 give the same or better PAR than the MH!!!

MH vs. T5 really it is only preference....both will work..

We will then have this SAME discussion in a year or 2 when we are all using LED's instead in our tanks...

New technology is OK.....and there are 12K, 15K, 10K, 6K, 75/25 combos etc. T5 bulbs out there..So the color argument doesn't hold water.
Yet another pissing contest...ha never fails well it is really your choice...there is always somthing to counter the other counter so look at some tanks see what you like
Ahhhhh.....see above, the spectrum of light is available in T5 that any MH has..In fact you actually have more choices..

So yes, I say again.....The coral doesn't know what kind of lights are above them.....are they getting the right spectrum of light? I say yes they are...and I can give them more choices other than 10,14, or 20K
i think what charlie is trying to say is that the sun is a spot light too and that maybe MH are more natural and encourage natural growth not abnormal growth.
Okay this brings up something that I have been thinking about. I am thinking of building 2 - 40 Breeder tanks side by side. They will have the same sump and one will have a 6 bulb T-5 and the other will have 2-250 watt metal hallide. I want to see the difference once and for all. Which one has more growth and which one looks better in general. Would everyone be interested in a thread of this????

Also if you want the $$$ savings of T-5 and the shimmer of a HQI all you have to do is get a Powerbrite LED light from Current. They shimmer like a HQI and are small enough that you can rivet them to a T-5 fixture and have the shimmer. Just a thought.....I may try it on my 90. I currently have an 8-54watt T-5 and am thinking of adding the powerbrite to it for the shimmer.
500 watts of halide vs a little less than 250? Make it fair do 500w of t5 and see what happens...
I think the 2-150 vs 6x54 would be a fair comparison. Would this be set up as a frag system or as an actual display? You need to make sure the frags are at the same locations in each tank with respect to light/flow. You'd want frags cut from the same original colony, and you need to black out the sides so no light crosses from tank to tank. You may even go so far as to have the same number of clean up snails in each tank. All in all, if documented well, it could be a very interesting experiment/write-up.
Yes I would love to see that before I build my next tank. Wish I had the $$ to do the experiment myself.
Yeah I was thinking about painting three sides black and making them both display/reef tanks. Most likely no fish, but if I did I would duplicate everything. All corals starting from the same colony and aprox same size. Make it so the only variable is the light. I Think I have typed myself into it. I will have to see about getting 3 or 4 40 breeder tanks and get started on getting all the equipment together. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated guys and girls.:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:
What T5s you save in chiller costs in the summer will cost you in heater costs in the winter so maybe it's a wash? :)

I have some T5 tanks and ran a VHO lit tank for many years. For main lighting, I prefer MH. For Actinic, I prefer VHO over even T5. For me, I like the varying levels of lighting intensity. It allows you to have high light loving corals like Acros as well as low light LPS in the same system.
Like Washoi said it is preference. No one would deny that T5 lighting can give you a nice reef if you have ever seen Jin's tank.
I am reading all I can about lighting. Just setting up 72gl. No lights yet but all research saying t5s with great reflectors will work and save money on power bills. Also am going to experiment with LEDs and some compact fluorescents (screw in). Have had fresh and salt 35 years ago but none for the last 15 years. Starting again and trying to absorb all the new technologies combined with the mistakes of the old.
mufret;276968 wrote: As with everything else, there are pros and cons to both of these lighting types, many of which have been listed above. I have used both for a number of years and for me some of the factors that I use to decide which I'll use for a particular setup are:

the tank's dimensions
the biotope I'm trying to recreate
will heat be an issue
If so, do I want to add a chiller to the system
initial cost of the setup
bulb replacement cost
energy costs

Depending on the setup and the tank dimensions, both will easily provide the light needed for even the highest light loving animals we strive to maintain so you can not go wrong with whichever you chose.

As always, the best advice on lighting comes from mufret :).

I've used both and personally prefer t5s for my current setup and have been doing so successfully for years now. When I first started using t5s there were only 2 other members on here with them that I was aware of. Mufret was one and Alan was the other. Now that list has grown quite a bit perhaps because of our good influences. :)