Arrrgh Please don't mind the rant! And devastating pic


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Such a bad two days for me, I am getting soo upset. I have been getting ready to make a new screen lid for my tank because a few weeks ago, I watched my red firefish jump through the eggcrate during feeding time.

Well, I finally got all the stuff in yesterday and was going to start making it either today or tomorrow.

On Monday when the lights went out my Purple Firefish jumped out but I caught him like 10 seconds after and put him back in...Luckeeeey

What happend yesterday? My red firefish jumps out while I am at the grocery store...R.I.P

And today, today I am EXTREMLY MAD! I woke up and did my morning inventory, all fish are fine, only I couldnt find my carpet nem. So, I went to get my coffee, and began to look for the carpet nem. When I find it it is EATING my purple firefish! AHHHH ( I am slamming my keeboard right now) This happend in like 3 min. time! Of course it is all the way at the bottom of the tank behind some rocks, so I couldn't try to save it.

WTF! I loved that fish, it was soo colorful. all I did was move a few rocks around yesterday, so aparently the carpet nem didn't like it and moved and ate one of my fish just to rub it in.

Why would it do that, and why would my firefish even go near the nem? I feed my nems a piece of silverside every week...

Here is a pic of it in action if you don't believe me!:yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

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On a lighter note, I don't need to hurry up and make my cover firefish left, and if my fat wrasse fits through the eggcrate I will just laugh it off. Talk about reef darwinism.
Sorry for your losses. Chances are if you were able to get him out of the anemone, it wouldn't make it anyway. I think the sting of the anemone paralyzes the fish almost instantly.
Well, I just finished the frames for the screens, they were such a PITA because of the bow front...

I am still sooo mad at the carpet nem. If it eats another fish it is outta here.
Schwaggs;265465 wrote: Sorry for your losses. Chances are if you were able to get him out of the anemone, it wouldn't make it anyway. I think the sting of the anemone paralyzes the fish almost instantly.

Yeah, I figured that that nem is SUPER sticky. It pulled off some skin on my finger once.
I just figured most fish wouldn't be so stupid and swim into the nem...
No more jumpy jump little fishes!!!
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I didn't want to send quadruple money on 1/4 in netting so I just did two layers staggard on one another. Alot harder to get to look ok, but worth it in money saved.
Putting an anemone in your tank is like having a pungi stick pit that can randomly appear in the tank.

Would you put a bear trap in a random spot in your home if you owned a dog?
You guys with your negative comments are not helping me...

I love nems, they are very cool to have and very fun to watch feed when you give them food, not when they eat a $40 fish
dammn the negative comments...

Nems are fine in reef tanks as long as you keep them in check. Just need to make sure they stay happy so they don't move and start destroying corals. It was my fault because I moved a few rocks around yesterday trying to make more SPS real estate.

Just sucks that is was the most expensive small fish in the tank, and I had to wait a few months for one come come in locally.
thats a really sad picture :sad: im sorry

thats a really nice cover though. want to make me one?
Sure, I'll make one. They are Super easy to make. This was my first one, and did it in a few hours this morning. Mine is a bow front, so that made it a little more work, regular tanks would be easy...
Barbara;265535 wrote: Sorry to hear that. Sometimes in reefing you just feel like when it rains it pours! You don't seem too inflamed over the negative comments, but I do want to say try to take them in the spirit that they're meant. I don't think anyone's criticizing. Most of us have nems in our tank. I've got a very good one, but it moves any time I move a rock in it's area. I once heard a fellow reefer call the nem's path "the rainbow of death" becuase when it moves, it kills everything it walks across! They're still cool, and still worthy in my opinion.

I love your lid. It looks very professional. I would love to build something like that for my frag tank so I can put another wrasse in there. The flatworms are back b/c I can't keep a predator in an open frag tank!

Thanks for the comment.

I apologize about my comments before. I was really upset about the firefish. 2 fish in 2 days is not cool, and when my better half finds out the purple firefish is dead all you know what will break loose. She loved that fish.

I am usually alot better at taking things like this as character building excersizes, but obviously not this morning. Again sorry if I mad anyone mad.:thumbs:
rostato;265567 wrote: Sure, I'll make one. They are Super easy to make. This was my first one, and did it in a few hours this morning. Mine is a bow front, so that made it a little more work, regular tanks would be easy...

What is the framing material made of? And where did you get your netting? I've thought about making about the same thing because I have Hawaiian flame wrasses in my reef. Thanks.
That sucks.. Reminds me of when our Royal Gramma tried to swim into a hole too small, and we found it dead the next morning with his head stuck into a rock. :(
