Athens/Winder area Reefers?


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Hi all,

A lot seems to happen Northwest and Downtown, so I thought I might see if there are a few folks on the Northeast that want to get together and have a beer (or coke) and talk about how much money they through down the sump...

Nothing offical, nothing extravagant... If we trade frags, so be it.

I'm awful at organizing anything, But I could call a place and tell them we have a dozen or so folks coming and I will buy the first pitcher...

Let me know and we will see...


BTW, it is open to all who are interested.

Note: At this meeting, we don't pay for frags. But if someone gives you one, you can buy them a beer. I'll have 45 frags with me :lol2:
I'm in Athens until I graduate in May and I would be down for a brew or two! Lemme know!
We could meet at my house if there are like 5-8 people, but if there are more, the Red Rooster on Broad street and Finley has a pretty good draft-beer selection.
I'm less then an hour away from Athens and just north of winder so I'd be happy to drive for a get together. Better then downtown for sure!
I live in Athens too and wouldn't mind hanging out and maybe trading frags or something. Let me know a time and a place. 45 frags. I don't know if I have that many. LOL!
Wow! I didn't realize there were so many of you in my neck of the woods! Count me in!!
Although i'm fairly new to the forum and reefing in general, I wouldn't mind joining in if possible.
I'm brand new to ARC and the whole reefing thing in general. Just a 7 gallon nano for me! I'd be down to get a beer sometime in Athens, but wouldn't have any frags to trade.
Yeah, I have a 20 gallon with nothing BUT frags and a few fish in it, so I dont know how long it will be before I can re-frag, but I'll still be down to meet up and learn from some "veterans" around the area.

To the Athens (and surrounding area) Chapter of the ARC!!!! :yay:
I also live in Athens and would love to meet others who live in this area. I have no frags to sell, but if anyone else does, i am looking to buy some. Thanks!
ReeferDawg wrote: I'm brand new to ARC and the whole reefing thing in general. Just a 7 gallon nano for me! I'd be down to get a beer sometime in Athens, but wouldn't have any frags to trade.

Same here but i only got a 3gal pico (plan of going bigger next year)

I also dont have any frags to trade or sell but may be interested in buying a few.:yes:

I'm going to give the thread another couple of days, the I will send out PM's and try to get a list together. So far we are about 9 or 10 folks. I expect a few more to pipe up. If you are in the lawrenceville area, it is a little drive north, but better than going down town. So far we have folks from Dacula to Athens. I think we will try and shoot for something north of Winder or south of Athens and try and hit middle of the road. But, we are not limited to any one meeting. There is plenty of beer to be consumed :)

PLEASE, don't worry how big or small your tanks are or weather you have frags or not. It is for fun, frags are a bonus. I'm not the master. I can spread around the xenia and calepura, the rest will happen.

In a few more days, I will ask for good dates (maybe last week in feb) and pick a place. but until then... Weekends or during the week? What works best?
I can't do the regular club meetings because I'm so far away, and taking on 60 middle schoolers with minimal sleep is never a good idea. Since this is so close to me, however, I can meet anytime...weekday or weekend. If we are meeting someplace in the Athens area, weekend college antics should definitely be taken into consideration, as it might limit our choices a bit. If we're not meeting in Athens, I don't suppose it will matter.

You're all more than welcome to come to my house in Watkinsville, especially if it's on a night when my roommate will be working. He's not a fish guy, and he's usually working in the evenings so it wouldn't really be an issue. Of course, my tank looks terrible right now (@#%$ hair algae), so I might be embarrassed for you guys to see Come to think of it, we could always do a BYOB barbecue at my place one weekend (wouldn't be anything as wonderful as the parties that Steve and Margi throw, but what the hay)!

I believe we have enough interest to at least get one meeting together. So lets toss a stake in the ground.

I'm thinking that if we do a weekend. SUnday afternoon (say 5:00pm) might work. Or if we go for the week. Monday (around 6:30) might work.

We have people from lawrenceville to Hamilton Mill to athens responding. Winder is closer to the middle, but Athens has better Brew houses :) It is a real delema... :shades:

If we go on SUnday, Athens is a good choice, if we go for Monday, winder may be best...

