Bad outlook for world's reefs - CNN article

That last point lays bare your entire premise
I don't know how you figure that. To point out the inconsistancies or fallacies in one argument does not mean you argee with another. I don't trust "BigOil" any more that anyone else. But at least they are driven by greed and I do understand that. BTW, if your 401k plan has done wonders in the last year... Go see who they are invested in. You might have done a lot better by "BigOil" than you think.

I just don't know how you can honestly make the "follow the money" argument with a straight face.
Well, let's see if I can explain it... In my life time (45 years) every argument that involved money (and that is most of them), also involved those willing to do what is necessary to get it. The higher the stakes the "more" that one or both or "all" parties were willing to do to get it. And ANYTIME and EVERYTIME someone said it wasn't about the money... IT WAS ALWAYS about the money.

Forgive me for being rash
Could I do else?

but do you think there's any particular reason why the current administration has manipulated and supressed scientific findings from its own agencies and packed advisory panels with ideological lackees?
Beautiful "leftwing" statment. I noticed that you followed it up with nothing resembling facts or proof! You just launch a gernade and see what happens.

global warming can be easily identified as an inevitable outcome of our reckless environmental policies
Let me see if I have this right. Global warming would be the outcome of the cycle of the Earth's environmental condition. OK so far? Lets look at that...

1) Every breathing thing on the Earth affects this condition.
2) Every breathing (and resperating) thing in the oceans affect it.
3) Every geological condition (earth quakes, volcanos etc) affect this.
4) Every sizeable rock (and there are many) that hits the earth affects it.
5) The Moon (tides) affect it.
6) The Sun affects it.
7) There are 4.5 billon years of history that we have almost no idea of.
Next to the birth of the universe, this is probably the most complex situation that mankind will ever face. The most powerful computers on the planet can't tell us if it is going to rain next week. And you say it "can be easily identified".

How can you possible say that with a straight face?

Like Wardaddy said, why not just err on the side of moderation rather than gamble with the future of the planet?
I'm sorry. I walk the walk, so I don't have to put my money where my mouth would be. I drive an Ultral Low Emissions Honda Civic that gets 40 miles to the gallon. When gas went to 3 bucks a gallon, it didn't bother me that much (about 10 to 12 bucks a week). I don't line "BigOil's" pockets anytime I can avoid it (401k NOT WITHSTANDING :)

One of my tanks (I'm working on the second) was put together with only frags and tank-bred (not raised, but bred) inhabitants.. Hence, they are "Zero Reef Impact"... Yours

BUT, That still doesn't mean that I like to hear "the sky is falling" everytime somebody, who whittles off a couple of graphs and quotes "facts" that are anything but, wants press coverage or a grant from the government.

It's a convenient position to take without having to do much of your own thinking.
Would that be similar to your "can be easily identified"... Or did you put a lot of thought into that statment?

current administration, packed advisory panels with ideological lackees, HIV/Aids, condoms
Well you have taken the current question at hand and blamed it on the president, as well as aids and unwanted pregnancy.... You should run for office. I'm not a big fan of the president. He walks and talks like a consertive, but votes like a liberal. Never met a spending package he didn't like. But if he is personally responsible for those unwanted pregnacies... I may have seriously under estimated him. :thumbs:

So forgive me if your argument reads a bit like a John Birch fantasy to me...
I'm sure it would. Let's don't let provable facts get in the way.

being a left wing liberal myself, it could be that I just can't smell my own s**t
You wouldn't... Remember you are a liberal. It is just rose petals by another name...

To sum it up, I have noticed that you mentioned BigOil, and the government as the root of the problems. Being more of a libertarian, I can tell you that you are only partially right. Throw in upper academia, the mainstream media, and organized religion and you pretty much have them in a bundle.

And... If anyone reading this a church go'er and objects to the last sentenance,,, let it go. Organized religion has killed more people than any other reason man has ever had.

Well, I guess I pretty much ticked off everyone with this. It usually takes me a while to turn everyone into an enemy.

johnqx4 wrote:
but do you think there's any particular reason why the current administration has manipulated and supressed scientific findings from its own agencies and packed advisory panels with ideological lackees? </em>

Beautiful "leftwing" statment. I noticed that you followed it up with nothing resembling facts or proof! You just launch a gernade and see what happens.

I did offer data and you dismissed it as a fabrication. There's no point in speaking to those unwilling to listen.

Maybe all this global warming crap is leftwing propaganda after all, and we shouldn't trust our Nobel prize winners as you suggest. Maybe that whole E=mc^2 Einstein thing was all BS! Maybe Bohr was all wrong and atoms don't exist! Maybe the Van Der Waals equation of state for liquids and gases was just coincidence and Marie Curie died of heart disease and not radiation. Maybe all scientists are idiots just trying to secure funding so they can have jobs.
Maybe all this global warming crap is leftwing propaganda after all, and we shouldn't trust our Nobel prize winners as you suggest.

Possibly, By the way... Dr Nobel made his fortune by developing and selling dynamite. There is a peace lover for ya....

I did offer data and you dismissed it as a fabrication.

Once again, you are incorrect. I did not dismiss it as fabrication. I questioned it authenticity and where it came from. You admitted that the distinguished Dr. did not gather it himself. Any logical thinker would at least question it. But that is the key.

There's no point in speaking to those unwilling to listen.

Boy, you knocked it out of the park on that one!!!

Maybe all scientists are idiots just trying to secure funding so they can have jobs.

I guess not the ones at "BigOil". They all work for profit instead of sucking off of the government.

Cheers, This is fun :thumbs:

I'm sure Dr. Chu had data integrity in mind when preparing his presentation. Given his credentials and responsibility, I trust the data is collected from reliable and credible sources. It's sort of like not taking basketball advice from Micheal Jordan b/c you haven't seen his old game films.

So are you implying all academic scientists are leaching from government funds?
Guys, please be careful on where this thread is going. We're here for discussion, not to attack anyone. I will shut the thread down if I need to...
I'm not offended, and I don't think johnqx4 is either. I'm content to let this thread die though.

Sorry if I offended/annoyed anyone. Happy reefing.
All's fun in love and war... but, It has gone far enough :D

All's well that ends!

And... I know He11 is hot, but, is it humid? I can take the dry heat :shades:

besides, I need to get back to trying to find better, cheaper, cooler lighting... maybe pay a little less to big oil:tongue2:

LAST POINT ... Go Vote TODAY!!! liberal, conservative, libertarian. I don't care if you want to sacrifice a goat. GO VOTE. Make yourself part of the solution. Don't be on the outside looking in.

Also, if you don't vote, you give up your right to Bit@#

And that is worth the trouble.