Banggaii Babies!!!


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I came home from work tonight, and was about to feed my fish when I found this...:D

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I'll be on the lookout to see if I can find any other the little guy's brothers and sisters so I can move them to the 'fuge.

- Michael
That's so groovy!!!!

We missed ya at the last meeting Michael!! You gonna be at the xmas party so you can get some green slimer??
Thanks for the kind words...I had no intention of breeding my Bangaiis; it just sort of happened. I was able to move the baby in the picture to my refugium, but the father is still "holding" the rest of the babies. I tried to catch him as well, but I couldn't because of all the LR and coral in my tank.

Has anyone here ever reared Bangaii fry? What should I feed them? I was thinking of maybe some cyclopeeze. I'll keep you all updated...

- Michael
I've raised them for years. I even do it at GA now. You will need to feed them artemia that is enriched with selcon or selco. After about three weeks you can wean them on chopped mysis and cyclopeze. THey will only eat live food at first.
PS. Didn't you get the original banggai fry from me?
Hi Sally!!!

Sorry we haven't talked in so long...yes, the proud parents are your babies :D. I bought them from you at the October 2004 Fish Store and More meeting.

I'll pick up some brine shrimp eggs and selcon on my way home this evening. I'll probably have a lot more questions, but I'll save them for this evening when I get home.

- Michael

fishwhisperer wrote: I've raised them for years. I even do it at GA now. You will need to feed them artemia that is enriched with selcon or selco. After about three weeks you can wean them on chopped mysis and cyclopeze. THey will only eat live food at first.
PS. Didn't you get the original banggai fry from me?
Hey Congrats Papa Michael
Lots of fun to come home to new additions to the tank! Hopefully you can get the fry into the fuge and grow them out. :)