Best Fish for Nano Tank


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So I am having a hard time leaving the hobby... I’m setting up a 25 gallon Lagoon AIO. I still have my 6 line wrasse from my 125 peninsula tank that I will be shutting down officially once I get the stand built and lagoon up and running. The six line will make the move to the nano. I sure do miss my PBT and Hippo a lot but that’s just not in the cards right now.

What are some awesome fish for nano tanks? Any suggestions are appreciated and I’ll take a look at all. It’s hard going from being able to healthily home most fish to only a small subset.
We keep a blue damsel, a yellowtail blue damsel and one of our lightning maroons in a 30 gallon rimless. They have all been together for at least 3 years now with no issue.
There are some neat nano fish. Pygmy hawk and gobies (large variety).

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Gobies, blennies and firefish pairs 2/3 as long as you have a top. Yasha goby pairs are fun.
Hey buddy! I’ve always been a fan of tiny fish and big corals, so I can help on the former!

Of course, a 6 line can dominate a nano tank, and destroy any and all new fish... so go in with a watchful eye.
I think a goby and pistol pair are a necessity for most tanks. My favorite for a Nano tank would be a Grissingeri goby; hard to find but cheap and stunning! But Yasha’s are almost equally awesome.

Royal Gramma are also a beautiful and under appreciated fish.

Ocellaris Clownfish is another staple.

Benggai Cardinals, various firefish, and/or Sapphire Damsels make great filler fish.

If you decide to go dottyback, the Pink Tailspot dottyback is one the smallest and most peaceful.

Blennies are wonderful. I love Starry Blennies, but if you want to go smaller, many of my friends all adore Tailspot Blennies as their favorite fish.

As for more wrasses, Mystery wrasse and Pigmy Wrasse are also beautiful.

and lastly, for those with expensive tastes, I would be remiss without mentioning Candy Basslets! Or just go for their cheaper cousins the Swissguard Basslets. But both fish will hide a lot and peek out of the rockwork.
Since you will have less options and numbers, pick something you have always wanted. I love tangs but mines to small for a school of them, so I went with wrasses I always wanted
I don't have much to add that hasn't been said beyond a 2nd vote for Royal Grammas. However, I was glad to see your post and look forward to what you come up with!
Some more uncommon ones are the gumdrop coral croucher, pygmy/pinkstreaked/possom wrasses, and green clown goby.

Starry blenny is my favorite in my little 30.

If you get bored of Ocellaris clowns, check out skunk clowns, Amphiprion perideraion, and Amphiprion sandaracinos. I have a single orange skunk in my 10 gallon for now, and it's the cutest little fish. Such interesting mannerisms. They get a little larger so I'll put him in a bigger tank one day.
Awesome. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Nano tanks are out of my element but I’m excited for the endeavor.

@ichthyoid thanks for the heads up on the coral cruncher. Since I have little ones I think I’ll have to pass on that guy.
Here’s a progress pick on the stand, depending on spare time with a 1.5 year old and a 1 week old I hope to have water in it by the weekend.

I wanted to say congratulations on here but wanted to wait until you said something. I saw on FB that y'all had the baby.
Not sure if 25 gallon will work for the six line? Liveaquaria recommends 55 gallon minimum for six line wrasse:

As mentioned In above response, a six line wrasse can be very aggressive and very territorial. Adding more fish in a smaller tank will only create more problems in my honest opinion. The stress of a smaller living space maybe detrimental on the wrasse. This is just my opinion. I could be wrong and your wrasse maybe fine. - - just my 1/2 cent

+1 on the sixline being too big and aggressive for a 25. It can live in something that small but it might not thrive without a ton of room to swim. They tend to be pretty active fish.

In my opinion, the single most important piece of equipment for a nano is an ATO. Less water means small amounts of evaporation swing params faster. ATO will make your life so much easier. I have a Tunze 3152 on both my 30 and my 10 gallon, and wouldn't think twice about starting another nano without one. I tend to forget to top off manually.
My Sharknose goby is cool , he's quite personable . A small yellow corris wrasse would be cool . I had my tomini tang in a 29 biocube for a while but she was an inch long .