Best Fish for Nano Tank

Thomas has a few Nano-fish left. Assuming your tank is already up.

Here is the list of fish so far that is up for consideration. I’m trying to include fish that also serve a purpose for tank ecosystem.
  • Black Combtooth Blenny
  • Royal Gramma
  • Firefish
  • Clownfish
  • Orchid Dottyback
  • Jawfish, Blue Dot 73853F58-41C8-4DDD-AB49-1FE126D22AA0.jpeg0659BFFA-D935-46D9-85F2-916F41530D71.jpeg
Thanks all! Tank has rock in it and is starting the cycle. Now while I wait I’ll decide on fish.
Alright. So I decided to risk it with the six line since we have history haha.

I added him and a Picasso clown to my tank a week or so back at the same. All good unless the wrasse enters clown cove which is to be expected.

Feeling like gambling I bought a royal gramma and added her to the tank yesterday with every intention of catching the wrasse due to aggression.... however, the six line is completely uninterested in the gramma. Doesn’t even pay attention to it and the gramma even took the wrasse’s cave... I’m honestly surprised the wrasse took this approach.

I know it could change in an instant but so far so good. Fingers crossed.
That's good to hear. I have had my six line for almost a year now with no instances to date. I like his constant movement in and out of the rock work.

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