best HOB skimmer?

yeah I guess I should have said that, lol. It would be for a 15 long BB.
I bought a Aqua C Remora for my Nano tank and it works great. Just came out in the summer. Takes lots of stuff out of my 12 gallon. Its rated for up to 25 gallons. Marine Depot has them. You can go to their web site and read about them. Have not lost a single fish or coral since.
Schwaggs wrote: $468.00 :eek:

While I've never actually seen a deltec in person so I can't comment on their materials/craftsmanship... but I've never understood why Deltec's are so expensive. Though I'll also agree that a HOB needlewheel is probably a great skimmer.
jhutto wrote: I bought a Aqua C Remora for my Nano tank and it works great. Have not lost a single fish or coral since.

:lol: did your last skimmer eat fish?? :o
I had an Aqua C Remora on my old 12g and I loved it. Great skimmer for the smaller tanks.
LOL... Guess need to splain...No, I am keeping chemicals better. And it helps...

I'm getting a lot of micro bubbles in my tank. Not sure if it's the skimmer or something else. I have a Remora.
My seaclone in action....
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kappaknight wrote: I'm getting a lot of micro bubbles in my tank. Not sure if it's the skimmer or something else. I have a Remora.

I don't think u have over the norm when it comes to microbubbles....

You gotta have some or ur fish can't breathe....

I agree with Mitch, God of the Sea People!!!!!!!! He would know afterall.
Thank you for the recognition Gwen, Mastress of the Smiley.

I deem the excess microbubbles caused by the metal fitting on your top-off unit.


(no, I am not weird, it's an inside joke)(well, no more weird than any of you)
For that size tank, check out the new Deltec MCE 300. They're new but if they work as well as their "big brothers" they should be the cream of the crop. There's talk of an H&S HOB skimmer to be available soon as well. These skimmer are certainly on the expensive side but they are some of the most effecient skimmers on the market and pull some nasty stuff.
mitch- u got me rollin' over here!! Too funny!!

He's right- ghetto top off units will get ya everytime!!!