Well, as of right now, I don't have any lights. I am planning on 2 x 250 Mh with VHO's. As for the starfish, there was one I noticed, but I don't know if it was alive or dead.
Tony, it was the same one that we saw at your place when loading up the LR. He is in the tank, but I don't know if he is alive or not.
Also, I kinda have like 3 mini mountains of sand and some sand in the middle, resulting from a Tunze 6000 and a couple ill-placed return lines.
I think he is buried in one of the mountains.
I just bought a couple big pieces of Base rock today, so this weekend, I will be rearranging my rockwork, re-positioning my pumps and return lines and smoothing over my sand.
Then if I am happy with the aquascaping, I will grace you all with pics of his holiness's creation.
Wow, Gwen, we totally took over this thread. I feel bad now.:sad: