best kalk powder

ha, like I care.....I'm just stating a sad thought for some people. lol.
I was going down the same road Jeremy until I ran across that article. Personally I buy the stuff from but I doubt it is any better than the supermarket stuff. Heck that stuff is at least "food grade" since that is what it is used for.
just to add my vote, I use ms. wages now. I've used seachem & kent before and I don't see any difference whatsoever. if there is a difference, it must be so miniscule that it doesn't really make a difference based on the cost.
Mrs wages here, a while back I spoke with a sea chem rep and he flat out told me that its all pretty much them same, kalk, mag . He said the only difference in the food grade and lab grade kalk and mag supplament is harldy anything. Nothing in our tanks would notice the difference. SO mrs wages for am and epsion salt for mag. I am thinking about adding dolamite to my reactor for extra mag.