Best Salt Mix?


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Just wondering what everybody thought was the best salt mix? Thanks for the input.
Try these"></a>

In the end, I decided on Reef Crystals. As a newb I haven't tried the rest, but it seems to have a good following and has a great deal on it (75 bucks for 320 gallon mix including shipping).
I personally use Instant Ocean, never strayed since my first saltwater tank. I price match mine from petsmart online and you can get a 160g bucket for $31.99 or two for 320g for $63.98. Tho it all depends on which salt you like to use, there is always a battle over "which is better" but quite honestly, unless its over dosed with calcium, mag and whatever else, pretty much all salts are the same now a days.....least I think so.
BTW, this is the thread that sent me to use Instant Ocean:"></a>

I ended up using Reef Crystals because it is a bit less work and for a couple bucks I wasn't going to complain.

When Randy Holmes-Farley speaks, I listen. That guy knows way too much about water. I guess if you want a straight answer you should probably ask a chemist that does the reef thing.
I have always used Instant Ocean too....

I even found a Georgia Aquarium shirt in the bottom of the last bucket! A nice suprise!
yeah and if any of you were there for the behind the scenes that we did with the club, I know all of you remember those ginormous bags of IO.
I bounce between IO or RC depending on what tank Im in. With the new 156 Ive been using RC but plan to move to IO once I get the Ca+ reactor running fulltime.
Has anybody used oceanic? Its pretty cheap, just did not know if it was worth buying. Sometimes you get what you pay for.
Maroons15 wrote: yeah but It is hard to dissolve.

Hmm... have you used it Bryan? Oceanic salt mix disolves practically before it hits the water. I started out with Oceanic and loved it for how well it would disolve but often experienced pH issues which ultimately led me to switch to IO.
tsciarini wrote: Hmm... have you used it Bryan? Oceanic salt mix disolves practically before it hits the water. I started out with Oceanic and loved it for how well it would disolve but often experienced pH issues which ultimately led me to switch to IO.

Thats why a lot of people quit using it and that is why i also quit using it. I go through over 300 gallons of IO each month and can say overall its my favorite overall for the average aquarium.
I just finished up a bucket of the Oceanic salt, and I won't go back to it. My calcium levels went through the roof when I first started using it. I never had any calcium precipitation problems, but it was reading well above the recommended Ca levels, and I couldn't get coralline to grow hardly at all. I just bought some MarineMix salt from Cap Bay today, because the guys there spoke highly of it. They said they all use it in their tanks at home, so I felt pretty safe with it. I'm doing a water change tonight, so I guess we'll see. According to the guys at Cap Bay, all of your levels should be right on when you use that salt. Again, we'll see how it goes. It's a little more expensive though.

tsciarini wrote: "I bounce between IO or RC depending on what tank Im in."

Tony, hasn't anyone ever told you that when you "get in the tank", it really makes your skimmer do crazy thing.
mufret wrote: Tony, hasn't anyone ever told you that when you "get in the tank", it really makes your skimmer do crazy thing.

What Tony does with his fish behind close doors is his business!! It may be gross, but he's our president. :yuk: