Big Problem!!


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Last night i noticed that my blue hippo got ick. I got some coppersafe from a friend of mine and with out reading the fine print i put it into my tank. :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: . Yea i know that was stupid. Today i woke and all my coral was still closed and my aninemea was detached. Today i did a 15 gallon water change on my 55 gallon. What else do I need to do to remove the copper. I put in 15 tablespoons of the coppersafe and it said to use one tablespoon per 4 gallon.

Any advice for the idiot?
I would change more water. Thats the only thing I can think of. I don't think there is any treatment to remove copper but I might be wrong.
I would get them out of the tank as soon as possible and try to get them into another clean tank.
I have used garlic guard in the past to cure ich. Just soak the food in garlic guard and feed they love it.
<span style="color: black;">Get the corals and inverts (anemones, crabs, snails, feather dusters) out of the tank. You can place them in a tank with freshly made saltwater. Acclimate them to the new water and they should be fine. Change more water to dilute the copper level in the main tank. You can also run media like Cuprisorb and/or Poly Filters.</span>
Hit it with a poly filter tonight and try some of this tomorrow when the stores open:"></a>

Hopefully someone will have it in stock.
Straegen wrote: Hit it with a poly filter tonight and try some of this tomorrow when the stores open:"></a>

Hopefully someone will have it in stock.[/QUOTE]

I was going to say that I had some of that but I cant find it. It might be at my shop. If Ive got some you can have it.
and this is why I will be dropping by your shop and probably picking something up... helping just to help goes a long way in my book.
I looked at a few places today for that curpisorbtha and had no luck most of the LFS were closed already. but tomorrow i will call around. thanks. i got a few peices out and put them into my buddys tank. i just hope the rest will make it. This hobby can be real discuraging sometimes for the newbies. thanks
oh believe me... it's discouraging for the experienced guys sometimes too!
Good luck!
Definitely need to get a quarantine tank going. You can pick one up in here dirt cheap and it will allow you to dose fish without upsetting your main tank. Plus you can isolate fish and keep them from getting everything else sick.
I have two ten gallon tanks and a twenty gallon tank just sitting around, just never thought i would have this problem. Ill have one of them set up for a quarantine tanks ASAP.
You might be dissappointed if you went now. Ive got 3 275gal water tanks and and empty fridge in the place now. Not much to look at but in another week and a half I get in the tanks and move some from my house into there and cycle it all through and then its on! If you come by now bring some beer and a skillsaw.
I just got back from the shop and I couldnt find the cupramine there either. It seems to have dissappeared, which happens when I dont use something for awhile. sorry
I would do as large of a water change as you can (like all the water in the tank) and run a poly filter. Keep an eye on the poly filter and replace right away when ehausted (read the directions on the poly filter to know when it is used up). I would run a poly filter for several months.
Schwaggs wrote: I would do as large of a water change as you can (like all the water in the tank) and run a poly filter. Keep an eye on the poly filter and replace right away when ehausted (read the directions on the poly filter to know when it is used up). I would run a poly filter for several months.

:yes: :yes: I absolutely agree with everything Schwaggs said! Especially about doing as large of a 1x water change as possible <u>and</u> watching and replacing the Poly filter. :yes: :yes:
Ok I've heard move the fish to a quarantine tank several times. I have the quarantine tank set up. But the fish won't go, I try to catch them they hide in the rocks. I try and try then in frustration I tell the fish to die. Do you guys dismantle the live rock to get a sick fish out.