Big Problem!!

a QT tank typically does not have any LR. Use random PVC fittings or similar to provide fish somewhere to hide/feel safe.

(any one that has LR in a QT make sure you NEVER introduce this rock into a display tank. Any medications used will remain withing the rock.)
My question is removing them from the Display Tank to start the quarantine.
ahh... that's what I get for not reading every word.

but yeah, good luck with that. LOL

Try bribing them with food.... and/or use a clear container so they can't see you sneak up from under them.
Im swapping stands out tomorrow so i need to empty the tank anyways. But will it be safe for the fish if i change that much water. Will the water have to cycle again??
The cooper you used most likely killed all of the good bacteria in your tank, so either way you're likely to see a cycle.
Im pretty sure copper wont kill the nitrfying bacteria. only higher inverts, including algaes (inc.luding coralline). Heres is the issue, even if you get it out of the water, it could still be adsorbed into the rock and substrate, and could precipitate out at any point. The lesson to be learned by all, dont assume you know what you're doing- read the darned labels.
I will go out on a rock to say you should not have a salt water tank till you can tell the difference> I'm pretty sure doesnt cut it = dead tank
Yea. just going to move my 55 gallon outside and beat the crap out of with with a baseball bat! lol. Tonight im changing out all the water and ill run some polyfilters for a while. oh well, lesson learned.
Thats the main thing. As long as we all learn from our mistakes, we will get better at this crazy addiction. Don't beat yourself up from this. Everyone has done something that you think back and say what was I thinking. To error is human.
Also, once you have your tank in order, if the frags I sold to you didn't make it let me know I can take care of you with replacements.
I've done something similar. I hate to say it, but the tank will never be right. The rock and sand have absorbed the copper as well as the seals in the tank. What you will see when you add things back to the tank espcially snails is within hours the snails will fall off the glass and literally melt into a gooey snail blob. No matter how much heavy metal sponges and polyfilter you run you will always have problems with something in the tank. It will be cheaper now to replace the tank, sand, and rock then to continually battle the dead inverts.

Listen to those that have made similar mistakes. :sad:

I paid full retail for 55 lbs of live rock. I really dont want to chuck it all. How long will it take for all the copper to come out.
It really doesn't every come out.

When I first started I put brass fittings on my return line from the pump. I ran this for about 2 weeks before someone told me this will cause big problems. I had about 50 lbs of live rock in the tank. I ran polyfilter, copper sponges and heavy metal sponges for about 6 months to a year and never was able to keep an invert alive in that tank.

I pitched it and moved to my 90. That rock is sitting in my old back yard. I could never measure any copper in that tank because it was never in the water only in the rock, sand, and seals.

I easily spent 500 dollars trying different things to get that tank to work. The good part was I had a hippo tang that never had ick. :thumbs:

You could go fish only with live rock with the tank. The rock will continue to work well as a filter media for nitrifying bacteria, but you will never or almost never be able to keep inverts alive in that tank.

I did some research on this topic last night as I strangely find it fascinating and everything I found backs up rhomer fully. Some people killed the rock off and tried various treatments, but there copper levels were still elevated once the rock got back in the tank. So fish only or some rock for a permenant quarantine tank are your best bets. I did read some people who successfully used a copper remover for the rest of the tanks life, but far more failed.
There is a powerbuy possibility hopefully soon
Update! I did a 100% water change 36 hours after i put a bottle of copper in my reef tank. I left about 40 lbs of my LR in the tank along with all the sand. The other 15 lbs is in my new QT tank!! I call the company who made the product and they pretty much told me to give it a shot befor i go picking buds off the money tree. Anyways, my corals are looking a little better. The ones on my crab are even opening. I got 2 snails in the tank and they look to be alive but there chilling on my PH. Now my question is my new HOT refug has been running in my new QT tank the whole time. Im afraid the mud in th e refug may have absorbed more of the copper. should i get new mud. Also When do you think it will be safe to put the fish in the tank since i changed out all the water???
Your mud most likely absorbed a lot of that copper, I would pitch it.

At this point you will pretty much recycled your tank; other then that your fish will never be healthier in a tank. I don't see you keeping those snails alive much past 2 days.

Just a note as to the Live rock. Jeorge at Star Aquatics in Augusta sells cured Figi rock for $4.99 a pound. There is a good supply there now. Augusta is about 130 miles from Atl.Straight shot down I-20...