Big Problem!!

Good luck with this. I hope it all turnes out ok. I would definatly listen to what Rhomer is saying. Its true.
Ya ditto schwaggs and lifestudent!! Also note that as others have mentioned your rock (and everything else) will absorb it so I would run a polyfilter for several weeks after even if you do get it fixed now!

Best bet to be honest would be to get a qt up. sell the LR to a FOWLR person, ditch the old sand, soak the tank in vinegar, then chlorine and start over.
Im starting over! im looking around for a 55 gallon that is reef ready. It might be a month or so before i have the funds. Until then i will run a fish only tank. I got a guy at work who offerd me a 130 gallon that not drilled for $100. You think that might be to big for a newbie or should i jump on that. i know thats a good deal and would hat to pass it up. Does a tanke that size requrie more equipment. I dont want to to get to expensive.
IMO, the bigger the more stable the water params thus the easier. A bigger tank also uses the same equipment. You might need to spring for another heater, larger pump and bigger skimmer but that won't break the bank if you buy used.