Biopellets confusion


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I have been running krush biopellets for 3 1/2 months in a tlf 150 reactor. My setup is a 20 display and a 20 sump (40 in total ). The pellets have not degraded at all and my nitrate and phosphate levels are unaffected. I do not understand why it hasent taken off like 99% of other biopellet stories go. Anything I could change? Display has tons of flow + light. Reactor is pushing 600gph. I'm baffled
Are they tumbling really fast? For a tlf 150, 600gph is too fast. It doesn't allow enough contact time.
They aren't shooting up the chamber or anything, just tumbling. I've scanned all the youtubevideos and matched the movement I see in thiers, I don't understand.I have about 40ppm nitrates so it seems like the bacteria would take off.thanks for responce
I originally soaked the pellets ina bowl w tankwater and redcap bacterial.culture overnight. Then treated whole.tank again a week after it was tumbling.I dunno. I regularly clean the reactor, does oxygen exposure kill the colonies?
ive never ran biopellets i dont think you're supposed to mess with the reactor (except to add more biopellets) once you get it going
Have your water tested with a different kit ... you might not have a problem at all.
The pellets from what i under stand are anarobic which means the bacteria grows without oxygen. Is the out let for the pellets close enough to the skimmer?
Thank you everyone for all the input, I will invest in some seachem tests. If the tests nitrates I will toggle plumbing the effluent of the reactor directly into the skimmer. Thanks again for the guidance