Blind, sick Tang from Paly Toxins- dying!

Morning. Just checking in for an update. Hope she's showing improvement.

I've been following advise from HumbleFish since day two, sorry for slow reply.

The reason Im convinced it's from the Paly Toxin is it happened within the same hours...

After two days of Epsoin Salt treatment in QT one eye looked 50% better and other also better.
It's positively blind but did eat seaweed from my hand when corned and waved near mouth. Also corned ate her Extreme SeaWeed Pellets when stumbled upon. I can drop Mysis in front of her face with all power heads off and she don't see it or my hand coming toward her.
Her spirits are good, she circles up, around, down and back up around the 10 gallon dipping along the way..,
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Treating infection with erythromycin and was told this may or may not save her site! Fingerd crossed, giving her every chance possible.

I'm still VERY limited as for the length of time I can be up (on feet) without swelling and pain. This is taking a toll on my recovery and not what I need to be doing in the few hours of activity I can handle ATM.
This is a beautiful fish, she's a delight to all tank mates and now proving shes a fighter (I taught her well). If any experienced member has the time and willing to continue "hand feeding" which requires heavy QT WC due to so much food lost in the water column, please LMK. Regardless if she pulls through, I won't be keeping her.
My 75 will be shut down, sold off as soon as I'm recovered enough to handle the work of the sale.
All my BIG beautiful fish & coral will be sold :(

Appreciate ya'll keeping up with her health and your awesome advise as always.

Thanks again
JennM;1088201 wrote: It looks like Trematodes to me.

What I would try... freshwater bath for 7 minutes. You can match pH if you want to but I never did and I've dipped thousands of fish (some people insist on it, so I'm posting that option). Match temp at least closely.

After about 4 minutes, if it's trematodes, they will start peeling off the eyes, and probably coming out of the mouth and gills.

You have to wait at least 4 minutes to kill the trematodes.

The fish may lie down or curl up - you can use your fingers to gently touch the fish to keep it alert and moving. Movement helps loosen the trematodes.

If it's not that, nothing will come off, and you'll know it's something else.

But that's what I would do first, before anything else.


Thanks so much Jen!!!
I'm sorry to say Ive been swamped and felt good about the improvements after the Epsoin salt so continued to message him and follow his instruction. No other fish are effected in any way what so ever.

Beauty at its best!

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Taken today :)

At this point, my tanks (3 counting QT) 75 & 40 look and act as if nothing ever happened. However, hundreds, EVERY SINGLE ONE of my Sun Coral is dead as well as my huge 12 mouth FatHead Dendros.
I'm going to post with pic's on this and an explanation as to why the Paly killed them and had zero effect on SPS... Hopefully it will help someone along the way to avoid the same mistake.
Camellia;1088608 wrote: Thanks so much Jen!!!
I'm sorry to say Ive been swamped and felt good about the improvements after the Epsoin salt so continued to message him and follow his instruction. No other fish are effected in any way what so ever.

Beauty at its best!

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Taken today :)

At this point, my tanks (3 counting QT) 75 & 40 look and act as if nothing ever happened. However, hundreds, EVERY SINGLE ONE of my Sun Coral is dead as well as my huge 12 mouth FatHead Dendros.
I'm going to post with pic's on this and an explanation as to why the Paly killed them and had zero effect on SPS... Hopefully it will help someone along the way to avoid the same mistake.
So happy the fish is doing better this is beautiful
Spike;1088025 wrote: It sounds like stress level is down. Do not know if it possible for Tang to regain any sight. I have seen many fish with one good eye live long lives. Totally blind another thing. I am very weak on decision making concerning such events. I look into my filter socks when cleaning to save pods and mini-starfish.

Forgot to say, your so much like me, lol
So glad to hear I'm not the only somewhat (OCD) crazy about the life of most anything God created on this earth! Ok, obviously God didn't create a fraction of what's alive today but it all came from "His Roots" :)

The antibiotic don't seem to be helping Princess with the blindness and she's really getting thin :(
Wondering if shes starving to death? Don't want her to be suffering or in pain! She's much less active today, wondering if it's time to say good by to Princess :(

I try to feed but I'm sure it's only a fraction of what she needs to recover.
jrhunter0000;1088616 wrote: So happy the fish is doing better this is beautiful

Thanks Mark, agree! This sweetheart amazes me daily with it's intensity of colors it projects. I wish I could really capture its beauty with my cell phone but it doesn't do it justice at all!
Give her more time to see if she can recover. There are miracles in life Deb
Fantastic news on the recovery, glad to see she is going miles better than before. Good for you as well not giving up on her!!
Princess didn't make it. She put up a good fight but I don't think she recovered any visual eye site :(

Thank you all for your advise, encouragement and concern.

I love this club!
Sorry for your loss. It's never easy to lose a fish, especially when you have to watch them go and wonder if you're doing the right thing. I'm sure she would have appreciated everything you did to save her.

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Thank you all so very much!!!!

This is the one thing I dislike most in this hobby, losing something you've raised and gotten attached to :(

Jakub, she came from your store several years ago.