Blue ring Mummy eye.. ?


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About 15 years ago maybe a little less. I bought a piece of mummy eye chalice from a guy here in woodstock. But it was uniquely different because it had a blue a ring around the eye. It's probably one of the most beautiful chalisas i've ever seen. Does anyone remember these and maybe a place I can still get them?
Mummy eye is notorious for color shifts under different lightings. Anything from bright green to orange. Probably a shift.
I've seen OG mummy eye change color a little bit from tank to tank, but I haven't seen it develop blue rings around the eyes. I searched the interwebs and looks like some people have blue "grafted" streaks, or splotches, but can't find any with rings. Shot in the dark but maybe it was a raja rampage, avatar, or mystery machine?

It's been a long time ago, but I had bought one from a guy and it was definitely mummyeye.. he did tell me it was rare and to take great care because they were so rare.. unfortunately that tank crashed and I lost it.. It had the most beautiful green colors with that dark blue ring around every eye.. I sure miss it.. I do appreciate you guys.Input.Maybe one day I'll run across another one