Blue spotted jawfish death


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I bought one 3 days ago and now it's dead. I called the LFS I got it from and they would not give me a credit for it. They said they don't guarantee any of their fish. I was disappointed since I have spent good money in their store.

My tank is very healthy and all other fish doing fine along with corals. I checked my water for any possible problems. I could find none.

Is this particular jawfish hard to keep? I may get another if anyone has had good success.

Any recommendations of a hardy jawfish that is not so expensive?
Good deal. I wish I had the room for him. I'm glad I got
him out in time. I would love to see a picture of him in your 2l0.

Well I guess I will have to avoid the expensive fish. I might just get a pearly jaws if they are reasonable.
i got a pearly wayy back, and it died within the night. just be careful and try looking up dead jawfish on google, maybe you will find out what happened
Not sure if you saw my post but my first bluespot killed himself by attacking a dwarf lion. The replacement I bought is now in tank but not eating. He was roughed up a bit and is looking better physically but still not eating, he's actully scared of Mysis shrimp and didn't eat baby brine. Not looking good.

If this one doesn't make it, I'll opt for the $15 pearly/yellowhead ones.
Think I'm going for the pearly. I have an open system and will have to put egg crate on. I don't care for it because it seems to lessen the MH lights somewhat.
Unortunately, they have a very dismal rate of survival in the aquarium. Someone once coined a phrase called "Blue Spot Jawfish Disease", where they get these lesions, lose color and die. However, it was VERY casual and unstudied, and nothing was ever determined on it, as far as I can tell. The yellow head (pearly) are much more adaptable and usually very hardy. As an additional note, they can be kept in colonies, whereas the blue spots typically cannot.