Branching Galaxia?


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I swapped frags with someone from Hilton Head today, and he brought me a green finger leather (3.5 inches closed up), a trumpet coral (5 heads) and a "galaxia" coral two heads. I was researching galaxia before I received it, and was excited due to the shape and color. Made sure to make a safe spot for him, and when we met today, "It" was two headed. I have since been screening the web for "branching galaxia" and I am completely lost. The polyps/tentacles look like that of a galaxia, however the branching/tall growing species I have seen looked nothing like it. The web shows solid branches like an acro or something. This has more like a skeleton like that of a mature hammer, or candy cane. It has only been in the tank for a few hours and I have the actinics on to watch for the "sweeper." If I can get my roomies camera tomorrow I will upload a few photos, but I was wondering if anyone can confirm this.
sorry crappy camera, but it is not encrusiting, sweepers all down the skeleton. What I presume to be sweepers, they are small reddish purple fibers.
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Maybe a Hammer, or some sort of Euphyllia. A better picture would really help.
Sorry, it took me forever to get that crappy camera to even focus that well! Don't most hammers tend to get wider at the tips? I will let it grow a bit and then try to take a better picture. Either way I should give it ample light and moderate flow right? New to LPS.
Hammers tips are hammer shaped, yes. Light needed is low. Flow is low to moderate, the less flow the bigger they will expand provided we are talking about a Hammer Coral. PM me your cell and I will text you a pic of my hammer and you can tell me if it is the same.