Bristleworm sting king.

Linda Lee;320251 wrote: Someone should come up with a repellant that is safe to apply before working in a tank.

Lol, it's called aquarium gloves.
i think i've got you beat on that one. no pics to prove it, but i grabbed a 6" bristlworm that was coiled up under a rock while i was digging around for blue legs at work. all the bristles looked like a cotton ball was hanging off my finger. made half my hand swell up to about 50% bigger than normal size--couldn't bend my index finger for the rest of the day and it throbbed for hours.
glxtrix;320268 wrote: Lol, it's called aquarium gloves.

Tried those and I just lose too much dexterity. Too difficult to pick up small things. I just take my chances, but I know my luck will not hold out for long.
no one can ever take that title from me. I wish i could get the pic off my old phone from when I got stung by a foot long 3/4" wide one when i worked at CBA.

Big guy wrapped around my ring finger and left my finger looking like a tan bristle worm. My ring finger and middle finger were covered in blisters for 3 weeks.
Michael Ruppert;320718 wrote: Soak it in the hottest water tou can tolerate. Heat breaks down the proteins in the venom.

That works for lionfish/rabbitfish venom, but not for bristleworm stings.
