So I have this brittle star.. he’s huge.. we’ve been on a journey man. He’s survived a tank crash with me, accidental poisoning.. BUT. He has eaten no one, not two... not three.... but SEVEN FISH. doesn’t matter if they’re big enough to fit in his mouth. He kills them, then eats, and leaves them for everything else to eat... just in the past few months he’s killed a 6 line wrasse, a Pygmy cherub angelfish, a royal gramma, and... wait for it.... a FLAME ANGLE. what!???!?! I have tried absolutely EVERYTHING to get this dang brittle star out of my tank short of taking it all apart. I was getting ready to head to Shacs today, and I walked by the tank and was like “oh my goodness, he’s halfway out of the rock! I went and grabbed some shrimp to try and lure him out (which usually never ever works) but voila! It worked!!! I took him out and threw him in a bucket and did a happy dance! Then I realized my flame angle had been strangled to death and was being eaten by the CUC.... but now the fish killer is no more!!! He is Shacs problem 

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