Brown hair algea

No you dont sound crazy. I to read, listen, and ask a lot of questions, thank God for arc. I've gotten lots of great advice, and looking forward to come to a meeting
Come out this Sunday. Fragging demo of SPS corals and FREE FRAGS.....DID I MENTION FREE FRAGS.
For the first three months of my tank I had issues with both Dinos and Diatoms. I kept them in check with chemipure blue. Over time they eventually reached a population collapse and with the addition of a refugium they have gone completely.
It 2as this morning. I hope to get home and it's even better, I've been using h202, skimming wet. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed
It 2as this morning. I hope to get home and it's even better, I've been using h202, skimming wet. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed

Good :D I went with dead rock my first tank as well, as I was scared of the hitchhikers. A piece of long cured live rock would really help you get rid of those diatoms.
I really should have. I have a friend with some, but honestly I an afraid to get it. I want nothing extra
I feel you there. But the only extra I got was GSP, blue discos, sponges, coralline algae, and bristle worms. I don't mind the bristles, and the rest was welcomed additions. Surprisingly the corals survived the cycle! :D