Can we Frag ??


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I joined right AFTER the meeting at marine fish. I saw the pics on the site and were very excited about the whole fragging process.

I dont know how the meetings are scheduled but I wanted to throw out the idea of a fragging meeting. I am sure we all have corals we are dying to slice and dice and with a lot of us new members........well what do U think.

If memory serves me right, our beloved leader (mojo) is probably below sea-level in paradise at this very moment but surely we can bounce it around.
LOL I got kenya tree frag for everyone 1. Just let me know who want it so I'll know how many frag to cut it up to.

The base are atleast an Inch. I hated to cut it, but I need to room for some SPS
I think it's getting past the first frag that's the scary part. You always worry that you will kill it, and so people hold back and are scared.

You just gotta jump in and do it! What are you wanting to frag?
I personally think we should hold off for a good month or two.

That should be enough time for my tank to be up and stable by then. :tongue:

I am just a litle late here. I just missed some people breaking down their tanks and selling all of their livestock and would possibly miss a group frag meeting.

Patience people!!!!

(well, at least until I am ready, then game on)
Mitch- there is always plenty of time to learn fragging :)
Here is a">Xenia Fragging Video</a> to get you started.

Also people are [I]always</em> breaking down tanks and either upgrading or getting out of the hobby.

Many times there is a frag thread started about a week before the meetings. Jump right in and say you are new and want frags. It's not hard to get a free frag of GSP, Xenia, and/or Kenya Tree. :) Sometimes I can't give the stuff away!!
just google fragging corals and you should get all kinds of stuff :)
I myself dont want to Google, or view a video, I was hoping one of our learned veterans would glove up, dive in and give a hands on. I would feel a liitle better if, for the first time slicing up my toadstool I had someone close by who had done it before.
If you start with branching LPS (hammer, candycane, etc), you almost can't go wrong since the branches aren't alive.

Then there are the inadvertent frags. My toad leather has 3 offspring (or I guess they're clones) in my tank from where it was attached to 3 separate rocks when I took my tank down last. In moving, it only stayed attached to 1, but the shreds on the other 2 pieces sprouted into mini-leathers. From that experience, it seems that as long as the parts get light and are in good water conditions, you'll eventually get frags from almost any part of a leather.
I have half heads of frogspawn all over my left over tank, haha. So even if you do end up cutting the head of your LPS in half it should still live. Corals are soooo hardy, not matter how rare or what its hard to kill a coral, esp lps and softies.
The problem with an organized fragging event is:
-Finding corals to slice and dice. These have to come from somewhere and someone has to pay $$ for them.
-A place that can provide the area to frag (holding tanks, etc) and that can also hold ALOT of people. The last time we did one of these meetings as a club there were probably over 150 people there, easily. Most LFS cant even hold that many people!

The best place to view fragging techniques is conferences (like SWU!) or with an experienced aquarist. Eric Borneman has a ton of great information out there. As for hands on... your best bet is someone within the club.
Broreefr... feel free to publicly post our PM convo.
As it stands now, nothing is in my hands... but if the club makes enough noise, the Board will listen! (expecailly if you're volunteering help ;) )
Broreefr wrote: I myself dont want to Google, or view a video, I was hoping one of our learned veterans would glove up, dive in and give a hands on. I would feel a liitle better if, for the first time slicing up my toadstool I had someone close by who had done it before.

Seriously, you can't mess this up!! I dare you to try it and post the results here in this thread. :shades:

Grab a scissors or kitchen knife and slice a 2" x 2" corner out of the top of your toadstool.

Next attach the frag to a piece of rock rubble with a zip tie, and not too tight. Just enough so it doesn't come off. One week later, check to be sure it's attached to the rock and take off the zip tie. That's it- you're done.
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thats pretty much it for a leather... you can also use a ruberband or thread in place of a cable tie
I would love to get a few frags. softies that are hardy and dont need MH light would be wonderful. I don't have any to trade but I will gladly contribute a buck or two to the tea and coffee fund...or Bass Ale in my case :)

I used to have 5 tanks, but lost everything 3 yrs ago in a house fire. I only recently got back into the hobby (Loosing years of work, even labors of love, will take a lot out of you).

Anyway, I have just recently set up a fragging tank with t5 lighting and a sump, and would love to get it populated. It has only been maturing for about 3 weeks, so it is a little young. But the prams are good so I think it will support softies.

I would also love a cup or two of critter rich sand :)

PS I will do a write up and post pictures of the setup with in a week. I am a big time DIY guy. I drilled the tanks and built the overflows as well as the stand, canopy, and did all the plumbing and electrical. I am currently building a emergency generator out of a lawnmower engine (I live out a little and we have a habit of loosing electricity a day or two in the winter).


I wasn't asking for any freebees... I'll be glad to pay.

A couple of frags... $20 + you tell me :)

Where are you located. I have a few small frags of some orange Zoa's. I can get them to you for free. They are small only about 4 or 5 polyps per frag but they will grow fast. I have mine under 2X65 PC's. PM if you are interested.

johnqx4 wrote: I wasn't asking for any freebees... I'll be glad to pay.

A couple of frags... $20 + you tell me :)
