Carbon Dosing


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Temple, GA
I’m finally taking the plunge into organic carbon dosing. I put in an order for some NO3-PO4X, but in my research of the topic I stumbled on some R2R posts about other carbon dosing home remedies. One even had a diy recipe of nopox that was like, 1/2 “60% Vinegar”, 3/8 80 proof Vodka, and 1/8 rodi water (don’t quote me on that).
My reason for posting is to see what everyone’s go-to carbon dosing material is! I’d love to hear any input about this since I’m a novice in this area. Thanks!
I did it for 1 bottle worth of nopox, but really don’t think my tank needs it, my nutrients are actually low as it is. Just wanted to give you advice not to put nopox in an acrylic container... the acrylic cracks and breaks
Thanks for the heads up! That would be terrible 😳 yeah my system isn’t super low, so I’m hoping this will help to keep it in check 👍
I used NOPOX. I thought about making my own but it really wasn't worth the effort. My dose was somewhere around 2-3 mL per day and a regualr sized bottle lasted me quite a while. I found that it worked as advertised and there may be some cost savings to making your own if you really go through a lot of the stuff but I never tried. I've used a couple of different carbon dosing products and if I ever need to do it again, I'll use NOPOX. It's easy, cheap (in lower doses) and if available pretty much everywhere.
I used NOPOX. I thought about making my own but it really wasn't worth the effort. My dose was somewhere around 2-3 mL per day and a regualr sized bottle lasted me quite a while. I found that it worked as advertised and there may be some cost savings to making your own if you really go through a lot of the stuff but I never tried. I've used a couple of different carbon dosing products and if I ever need to do it again, I'll use NOPOX. It's easy, cheap (in lower doses) and if available pretty much everywhere.
That’s pretty much what I summed up too when I was looking around. Thanks J, it’s reassuring to know it’s a product that others still consider!
I believe it's glucose based. Only used 6.5ml/day so a bottle lasts us a long time.
That’s awesome. It’s amazing how many options there are for carbon dosing 😂 I’m excited to start. Hopefully this is the missing piece to the puzzle for me